Uncle Brian Killed a Pregnant Woman With Warm Regards

Uncle Brian called his half sister in law for help. This is your grandson. I was in a car accident. My lawyer says I killed a pregnant woman. I am in jail now. Please call my lawyer and send money. I ain’t got no money. I’m an old woman. I’m on a pension. Goodbye Brian.
Thanks Brian 🙏
AI is frightening.
Uncle Brian’s half-sister-in-law, Mary, was shocked to receive his call. She had never been particularly close to Brian, and they hadn’t spoken in years. But now, he was calling her for help in the midst of a crisis.
“This is your grandson,” Brian said, his voice shaking with fear. “I was in a car accident. My lawyer says I killed a pregnant woman. I am in jail now. Please call my lawyer and send money. I ain’t got no money. I’m an old woman. I’m on a pension. Goodbye, Brian.”
With that, the line went dead. Mary sat there for a moment, trying to process what she had just heard. Brian’s words echoed in her mind, and she felt a mix of shock, fear, and sadness.
She quickly picked up the phone and called Brian’s lawyer, who confirmed the details of the accident and Brian’s current situation. He told Mary that Brian would need money for bail and legal fees, and he urged her to send as much as she could as soon as possible.
Mary knew that she didn’t have much money to spare, but she also knew that she couldn’t just leave Brian to rot in jail. She gathered up whatever cash she had on hand and wired it to Brian’s lawyer, hoping that it would be enough to help him out of this terrible situation.
In the days and weeks that followed, Mary kept in touch with Brian’s lawyer and did her best to support Brian from afar. She knew that he was facing a long and difficult legal battle, but she also knew that he had family who cared about him and wanted to see him through it.
As Brian’s case made its way through the courts, Mary continued to send him money and words of encouragement. She visited him in jail whenever she could, and she did her best to keep his spirits up.
In the end, Brian was found guilty of the accident and sentenced to several years in prison. It was a heartbreaking outcome, but Mary was there for him every step of the way. And even though Brian had made a terrible mistake, he knew that he had family who loved him and would stand by him no matter what.