A Different Kind of Ass Dragging Werewolf Story


Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there was a fierce werewolf who roamed the forest in search of prey. He was a huge and fearsome creature, with shaggy fur and sharp teeth, and he terrified all who crossed his path.

One day, the werewolf came across an old donkey who was grazing in a meadow. The werewolf sneered at the donkey, thinking that he would make an easy meal. But the donkey was not afraid, and he stood his ground, determined to defend himself.

The werewolf attacked, but the donkey was ready for him. With quick thinking and agility, the donkey managed to grab the werewolf’s tail and start dragging him around the meadow. The werewolf was caught off guard and struggled to break free, but the donkey was too strong.

The werewolf howled in frustration and anger, but the donkey just kept dragging him around the meadow, faster and faster. Finally, the werewolf realized that he had met his match, and he fled into the forest, never to be seen again.

From that day on, the donkey was known as the hero of the meadow, and he lived a long and happy life, safe from the dangers of the forest.

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