The Office S12: As the situation in Scranton continues to deteriorate


It was a typical Monday morning at Dunder Mifflin’s Scranton branch, with the staff buzzing around the office and getting ready for the day ahead. But as the morning wore on, something strange began to happen.

First, one of the sales reps, Karen, came into the office looking pale and sick. She said she was feeling under the weather, and she went home early. Then, a few hours later, one of the receptionists, Pam, came into the office coughing and sneezing. She said she thought she had the flu, and she too went home early.

As the day went on, more and more of the staff began to come down with the same symptoms. By the end of the day, half of the office was out sick. The remaining staff looked at each other with concern, wondering what was going on.

The next day, the news broke: the Coronavirus pandemic had reached Scranton. The office was in chaos, with employees panicking and unsure of what to do. The boss, Michael Scott, tried to keep things running as smoothly as possible, but it was clear that the office would never be the same again.


Michael is sitting at his desk, typing away on his computer. Suddenly, he sneezes loudly, causing the office to go quiet.

Michael: (wiping his nose) Excuse me.

Pam: (concerned) Are you okay, Michael? You’ve been sneezing a lot lately.

Michael: (trying to brush it off) Oh, it’s nothing. Just a little cold.

Dwight: (interrupting) It’s not just a cold, Michael. It’s the Coronavirus pandemic.

Michael: (surprised) The what?

Dwight: (explaining) The Coronavirus. It’s a highly contagious virus that’s spreading rapidly across the country.

Michael: (panicked) Oh no! What do we do?

Pam: (calming) We just need to take some precautions. Like washing our hands regularly, avoiding close contact with others, and staying home if we’re feeling sick.

Michael: (nodding) Right, right. Good thinking, Pam.

Michael continues to sneeze throughout the rest of the scene, much to the concern of his coworkers.


The next day, the office is even more chaotic. More employees are out sick, and the remaining staff are trying to figure out how to keep the business running.

Michael is still sneezing, and he’s starting to look worse for wear. He’s trying to keep up a brave front, but it’s clear that he’s struggling.

Michael: (to the camera) I don’t know what to do. The office is falling apart, and I don’t know how to fix it.

Pam: (off-camera) Maybe we should close the office for a few days, until the virus passes.

Michael: (hesitant) But what about our clients? We can’t just leave them hanging.

Dwight: (off-camera) We can still work from home. We can use our laptops and phones to stay in touch with each other and with our clients.

Michael: (nodding) You’re right, Dwight. That’s a good idea.

Michael makes the decision to close the office temporarily, and the staff begin to work from home.


The days go by, and the Coronavirus situation continues to escalate. More and more people in Scranton are getting sick, and the city is starting to shut down.

Michael is still sneezing, but he’s trying to stay positive. He’s been working from home, and he’s been doing his best to keep the office running smoothly.

Michael: (to the camera) It’s tough, but we’re making it work. We’re still getting our work done, and we’re still serving our clients.

Pam: (off-camera) But it’s not the same. We miss being in the office together.

Michael: (nodding) I know, Pam. I miss it too. But we have to do what’s best for everyone’s health.

As the episode ends, the staff of Dunder Mifflin are still working from home, trying to navigate the challenges of the Coronavirus pandemic.


After a few weeks, the situation begins to improve. The number of Coronavirus cases in Scranton starts to decrease, and the city begins to slowly reopen.

Michael is feeling better, and he’s excited to get back to the office. He gathers the staff together for a meeting to discuss the plan for reopening.

Michael: (to the staff) I’m happy to announce that we’re going to reopen the office next week.

The staff cheer and clap, happy to be returning to their normal routine.

Michael: (continuing) But we have to be careful. We need to follow all the safety guidelines to protect ourselves and each other.

The staff nod, understanding the importance of staying safe.

Michael: (smiling) Let’s do this. Let’s get back to work!

The staff begin to make preparations for reopening the office, excited to be returning to their normal routine.


The day of the reopening arrives, and the staff of Dunder Mifflin are excited to be back in the office. They enter the building, following all the safety guidelines and wearing masks and gloves.

Michael is the first to enter, and he’s grinning from ear to ear. He’s happy to be back in his element, and he’s ready to take on the challenges of the new normal.

Michael: (to the staff) Welcome back, everyone! It’s great to be back in the office together.

The staff nod and murmur in agreement, happy to be back together.

Michael: (continuing) Now, let’s get to work. We have a lot of catching up to do, and a lot of work to do to make up for the time we lost.

The staff nod, determined to get back on track and succeed in their jobs.


The next few weeks are busy but productive for the staff of Dunder Mifflin. They work hard to catch up on the work they missed during the lockdown, and they’re starting to get back into their normal routines.

Michael is still sneezing occasionally, but he’s feeling much better. He’s back to his old self, cracking jokes and making puns.

Michael: (to the staff) So, I was thinking, what’s the capital of Montana?

The staff groan, knowing that a bad joke is coming.

Michael: (grinning) Helena!

The staff roll their eyes and laugh, happy to see that Michael is back to his old self.


As the weeks go by, the staff of Dunder Mifflin continue to work hard. But despite their best efforts, not everyone is doing well. Toby, the HR representative, begins to feel sick.

At first, he tries to push through it, but it quickly becomes clear that he’s not well. He’s coughing and sneezing, and he’s starting to look pale and sickly.

Michael: (concerned) Toby, are you okay? You don’t look so good.

Toby: (weakly) I don’t feel so good, either. I think I might have caught the Coronavirus.

The staff gasp, worried about Toby’s health and their own safety.

Michael: (decisively) We need to get you to a doctor, Toby. And we need to close the office again, just to be safe.

The staff nod in agreement, and they quickly make plans to get Toby the help he needs and to shut down the office temporarily.


As the staff of Dunder Mifflin work to get Toby the help he needs, another one of their coworkers falls ill. Jim, the sales representative, starts to feel sick, with the same symptoms as Toby.

Michael: (to the staff) This is getting out of hand. We need to take even more precautions to keep everyone safe.

The staff nod in agreement, and they begin to brainstorm ways to protect themselves and each other. They decide to implement more strict safety measures, including regular testing and increased sanitation efforts.

Despite their best efforts, the situation continues to deteriorate. More and more of the staff fall ill, and the office is shut down again.

Michael: (to the camera) This is a nightmare. We’re doing everything we can, but it’s not enough. I don’t know what to do.


As the Coronavirus situation in Scranton continues to escalate, more and more of the staff of Dunder Mifflin fall ill. Dwight, the assistant to the regional manager, is the next to get sick. He’s coughing and sneezing, and he’s starting to look pale and weak.

Toby’s condition has also worsened. He’s now on a ventilator, fighting for his life in the hospital. The staff are devastated, and they’re starting to lose hope.

Michael: (to the camera) This is a disaster. We’re losing people, and there’s nothing we can do to stop it.

The staff are scared and anxious, unsure of what the future holds. But despite their fear, they continue to work together, supporting each other and doing their best to stay safe.


As the weeks go by, the situation in Scranton continues to deteriorate. More and more people are getting sick, and the hospital is overflowing with patients.

Toby’s condition has worsened, and he’s now in a coma. The staff of Dunder Mifflin are devastated, and they’re starting to lose hope.

Michael: (to the staff) This is a nightmare. We need to do something to stop this.

The staff nod in agreement, and they begin to brainstorm ideas. They come up with a plan to raise awareness about the importance of following safety guidelines and getting vaccinated.

They create a social media campaign, using their own accounts to spread the word about the importance of staying safe. They also volunteer to help with vaccination efforts, doing their part to help end the pandemic.

Despite their efforts, the situation continues to be bleak. But the staff of Dunder Mifflin remain determined, working together to fight the virus and protect each other.


As the pandemic rages on, more and more of the staff of Dunder Mifflin fall ill. Kelly, the customer service representative, is the next to get sick. She’s coughing and sneezing, and she’s starting to look pale and weak.

But what concerns the staff the most is that Kelly is pregnant. They’re worried about the effect the virus could have on her and her unborn baby.

Michael: (to the staff) We need to do something to help Kelly. She’s in a dangerous situation, and we need to support her.

The staff nod in agreement, and they begin to brainstorm ideas. They come up with a plan to raise money to help Kelly pay for medical expenses and support her during her recovery.

They launch a fundraising campaign, using their social media accounts to spread the word and collect donations. They also organize a food drive, collecting supplies and groceries to help Kelly and her family during this difficult time.

Despite the challenges, the staff of Dunder Mifflin remain determined to help Kelly and each other. They continue to work together, fighting the pandemic and supporting each other through the tough times.


As the pandemic continues to ravage Scranton, the entire staff of Dunder Mifflin falls ill. They’re all coughing and sneezing, and they’re starting to look pale and weak.

Despite their efforts to protect themselves and each other, the virus proves to be too much. Several of the staff members succumb to the illness and pass away.

The remaining staff are devastated, and they’re struggling to cope with the loss of their friends and coworkers.

Michael: (to the camera) This is a nightmare. We’ve lost so many people, and there’s nothing we can do to bring them back.

The staff are grieving and scared, unsure of what the future holds. But despite their fear and pain, they continue to work together, supporting each other and doing their best to stay safe.


As the pandemic continues to ravage Scranton, the staff of Dunder Mifflin are struggling to cope. Michael, overwhelmed by the situation, joins the QAnon conspiracy movement. He becomes obsessed with the idea that the pandemic is a hoax, and he starts spreading misinformation to others.

Dwight, on the other hand, becomes an antivaxxer. He’s convinced that vaccines are dangerous, and he starts spreading misinformation about their safety.

Meanwhile, Andy, still grieving over the loss of his friends and coworkers, makes a rash decision. He gets Angela, one of the remaining staff members, pregnant. But Angela falls ill with the virus, and she’s forced to go on bedrest for the duration of her pregnancy.

Kelly, still recovering from the loss of her own unborn baby, is devastated by the news of Angela’s pregnancy. She slips into a deep depression, and her health deteriorates. She’s eventually put on a ventilator, fighting for her life.

Toby, who had previously recovered from the virus, falls ill again and tragically passes away. The remaining staff are devastated, and they’re struggling to cope with the loss of yet another friend and coworker.


As the pandemic continues to ravage Scranton, the situation becomes even more dire. The vaccines that were previously effective stop working, and the virus starts to mutate.

A new strain, called Omicron, emerges. It’s even more dangerous and contagious than the original virus, and it spreads rapidly throughout the city.

The remaining staff of Dunder Mifflin are among those infected with Omicron. Erin and Andy, who had both previously recovered from the virus, develop long COVID. They suffer from chronic symptoms, including fatigue and shortness of breath, and they struggle to continue working.

The staff are scared and overwhelmed, unsure of how to protect themselves and each other from the new strain of the virus. They continue to work together, doing their best to support each other and stay safe.


As the pandemic rages on, the situation in Scranton becomes dire. Almost no one is left alive, and the few remaining survivors are struggling to cope.

Michael, still entrenched in the QAnon conspiracy movement, becomes even more delusional. He starts to believe that he has special powers, and that he’s destined to save the world from the pandemic.

Dwight, on the other hand, falls in love with Donald Trump. He becomes obsessed with the former president, and he starts to believe that Trump is the only one who can save them from the virus.

The remaining staff are scared and confused, unsure of what to believe and how to survive. They continue to work together, doing their best to support each other and stay safe.


As the pandemic continues to ravage Scranton, the few remaining survivors struggle to survive. They’re scared and alone, with no one to turn to for help.

Michael, still delusional, starts to believe that he’s being hunted by the government. He becomes paranoid and reclusive, refusing to leave his home and rarely leaving his room.

Dwight, on the other hand, becomes more and more obsessed with Trump. He spends all his time watching old footage of the former president, and he starts to believe that he’s receiving messages from Trump through the TV.

The remaining staff are at their wit’s end, unsure of what to do or where to turn. They continue to work together, doing their best to support each other and stay alive.


As the pandemic continues to ravage Scranton, the few remaining survivors are starting to lose hope. They’re scared and alone, with no end in sight to the crisis.

Michael, still paranoid and delusional, becomes even more isolated. He spends all his time in his room, rarely leaving or interacting with anyone.

Dwight, on the other hand, becomes more and more obsessed with Trump. He starts to believe that the former president is still alive, and that he’s coming to save them from the virus.

The remaining staff are at their breaking point, unsure of how much longer they can hold on. They continue to work together, doing their best to support each other and stay alive.


But then, something incredible happens. A group of survivors, led by a man who looks and sounds just like Donald Trump, arrives in Scranton.

Dwight is ecstatic, believing that his hero has come to save them. But the others are skeptical, unsure of whether this man is really Trump or just an imposter.

The man, who calls himself “the real Donald Trump,” claims that he’s been in hiding, waiting for the right moment to reveal himself and save the world from the pandemic.

The remaining staff are torn, unsure of what to believe. But they’re willing to give this man a chance, hoping that he can help them end the crisis and rebuild their lives.


As the days go by, the remaining survivors of Scranton start to rebuild their lives. With the help of the man who claims to be Donald Trump, they’re able to get the virus under control and start rebuilding their community.

Michael, who had previously been isolated and paranoid, starts to come out of his shell. He’s no longer delusional, and he’s starting to reconnect with the other survivors.

Dwight, on the other hand, becomes more and more devoted to the man who claims to be Trump. He becomes his right-hand man, helping him to rebuild Scranton and create a new society.

The remaining staff are grateful for the help, and they’re starting to rebuild their lives. They’re hopeful for the future, and they’re determined to make the most of the second chance they’ve been given.


As the survivors of Scranton start to rebuild their lives, they’re struck by another devastating blow. The virus, which they thought they had defeated, returns with a vengeance.

This time, the virus is even more dangerous and contagious than before. It spreads rapidly throughout the city, infecting almost everyone.

The remaining staff are terrified, unsure of how to protect themselves and each other from the virus. They’re forced to retreat back into isolation, doing their best to survive and protect each other.

The man who claims to be Donald Trump is also infected, and he’s struggling to fight off the virus. His health deteriorates rapidly, and the survivors are unsure of whether he’ll be able to recover.

The remaining staff are at their wit’s end, unsure of how much longer they can hold on. But they’re determined to survive, no matter what it takes.


As the pandemic rages on, the survivors of Scranton are struggling to hold on. They’re scared and alone, with no end in sight to the crisis.

The man who claims to be Donald Trump passes away, leaving the survivors without their leader and without hope. They’re devastated, unsure of what to do or where to turn.

But despite their fear and pain, the survivors continue to fight. They band together, supporting each other and doing their best to stay alive.

They’re determined to survive, no matter what it takes. They know that the road ahead will be long and difficult, but they’re ready to face whatever challenges come their way.


As the survivors of Scranton continue to fight for their lives, some good news arrives. Pam and Jim, two of the remaining staff members, discover that they’re pregnant.

The news brings a glimmer of hope to the group, and they’re thrilled at the prospect of new life coming into the world. They’re determined to do everything they can to protect Pam and the baby, and to give them the best possible start in life.

The pregnancy is difficult, as the pandemic is still raging and medical care is limited. But Pam and Jim are strong and determined, and they’re determined to do whatever it takes to bring their baby into the world safely.

Despite the challenges, Pam gives birth to a healthy baby boy. The remaining staff are overjoyed, and they’re grateful for this small ray of hope in an otherwise dark and difficult time.


As the baby boy grows, the remaining survivors of Scranton are filled with joy and hope. They’re grateful for this new life, and they’re determined to do everything they can to protect him and give him the best possible life.

They name the baby Jack, and they shower him with love and attention. They teach him everything they know, and they watch with pride as he grows and learns.

Jack is a curious and intelligent boy, and he has many questions about the world. He wants to know about the pandemic, and why his parents and the other survivors are the only people left.

The remaining staff do their best to explain, but it’s a difficult and complex topic. They try to be honest with Jack, but they also want to protect him from the harsh realities of the world.

As Jack grows, he becomes more and more curious. He starts to explore the world on his own, and he makes some surprising discoveries. He learns about the history of the pandemic, and about the mistakes that were made that led to the current situation.

Jack is determined to use this knowledge to make the world a better place, and to prevent another disaster like the one that devastated Scranton. The remaining survivors are proud of him, and they’re grateful to have him in their lives.


As Jack grows up, he becomes more and more curious about the world. He starts to explore the history of the pandemic, and he becomes interested in conspiracy theories.

One day, he stumbles upon the QAnon movement. He’s drawn in by their claims and theories, and he becomes convinced that they hold the key to understanding the world.

The remaining survivors are worried about Jack’s obsession with QAnon. They’re afraid that it will consume him and lead him down a dark and dangerous path.

But despite their concerns, Jack is determined to learn more. He spends all his time studying QAnon and their beliefs, and he starts to spread their message to others.

The remaining survivors are torn, unsure of how to handle the situation. They want to protect Jack, but they also want to respect his right to make his own choices.

As time goes on, Jack becomes more and more entrenched in the QAnon movement. The remaining survivors are worried, but they continue to support him and hope for the best.


As the years go by, the survivors of Scranton continue to rebuild their lives. They’re grateful for the peace and stability that they’ve been able to achieve, and they’re determined to make the most of their second chance.

But then, disaster strikes again. The virus, which had been dormant for years, returns with a vengeance. This time, it’s even more dangerous and contagious than before.

The survivors are terrified, unsure of how to protect themselves and each other from the virus. They retreat back into isolation, doing their best to stay safe and healthy.

Meanwhile, the ghost of Donald Trump returns. He’s angry and vengeful, and he’s determined to take revenge on the survivors for defeating him in the past.

Joe Biden, the current president, is the only one who can see Trump’s ghost. He fights bravely against the ghost, using all his strength and determination to protect the survivors from his wrath.

The battle between Biden and Trump’s ghost rages on, with the fate of the survivors hanging in the balance. It’s a difficult and dangerous fight, but Biden is determined to win and protect the people of Scranton.


As the battle between Biden and Trump’s ghost continues, the survivors of Scranton are doing their best to stay safe and healthy. They’re scared and unsure of what the future holds, but they’re determined to fight for their lives.

Meanwhile, Jack, now a young man, is struggling with his obsession with QAnon. He’s become more and more radicalized, and he’s starting to believe that the only way to save the world is through violence.

The remaining survivors are worried about Jack, and they’re trying to reach out to him and help him see the error of his ways. But Jack is stubborn and determined, and he’s not willing to listen to reason.

As the situation in Scranton becomes more and more dangerous, the remaining survivors are forced to make a difficult decision. They’re not sure what the future holds, but they’re determined to do whatever it takes to protect themselves and each other.


As the situation in Scranton becomes more and more dangerous, Jack’s obsession with QAnon reaches a breaking point. He becomes convinced that his mother, Pam, is part of a conspiracy against him and the QAnon movement.

In a fit of rage, Jack murders his mother. The remaining survivors are devastated, and they’re horrified by what he’s done.

They’re not sure what to do, and they’re struggling to come to terms with the loss of Pam. They’re scared and unsure of what the future holds, and they’re not sure if they can trust Jack anymore.

But despite their fear and pain, the remaining survivors are determined to keep going. They know that they have to be strong and stay united, if they want to survive and rebuild their lives.


As the situation in Scranton continues to deteriorate, Jack becomes more and more radicalized. He starts to lead the remaining survivors, using his obsession with QAnon to justify his actions.

Michael, who has been struggling with his own mental health issues, becomes increasingly paranoid and delusional. He starts to believe that Jim is part of the conspiracy against him, and he becomes determined to fight him.

The remaining survivors are torn, unsure of who to trust or what to believe. They’re scared and unsure of what the future holds, and they’re not sure if they can survive this latest crisis.

But despite their fear and uncertainty, the remaining survivors are determined to keep going. They know that they have to be strong and stay united, if they want to rebuild their lives and create a better future.


As the situation in Scranton continues to deteriorate, Jack becomes more and more powerful. He uses his obsession with QAnon to gain control of the remaining survivors, and he becomes their leader.

The remaining survivors are scared and unsure of what to do. They’re not sure if they can trust Jack, or if he’s leading them down a dangerous path.

But despite their doubts, the survivors are forced to follow Jack’s lead. They have no other choice, and they’re not sure if they can survive on their own.

As Jack takes control of the office, he becomes more and more ruthless. He’s determined to protect the survivors at all costs, and he’s willing to do whatever it takes to keep them safe.

The remaining survivors are scared, but they’re also grateful to have someone to protect them. They’re not sure what the future holds, but they’re determined to stay strong and stay united.


As the situation in Scranton continues to deteriorate, Stanley, one of the remaining survivors, becomes increasingly isolated. He’s struggling to cope with the trauma of the pandemic, and he’s not sure if he can trust anyone anymore.

Stanley spends most of his time alone, locked in his office and trying to escape from the reality of the world outside. He’s scared and unsure of what to do, and he’s not sure if he can survive this latest crisis.

But despite his fear and isolation, Stanley is determined to keep going. He knows that he has to be strong, if he wants to rebuild his life and create a better future.

As the days go by, Stanley starts to open up to the other survivors. He’s still scared and unsure of who to trust, but he’s starting to form new connections and friendships.

The remaining survivors are grateful for Stanley’s strength and resilience, and they’re determined to support him and help him through this difficult time.


As the situation in Scranton continues to deteriorate, the remaining survivors are struggling to hold on. They’re scared and alone, with no end in sight to the crisis.

But then, something incredible happens. Meredith, one of the original survivors, returns to the office. She’s been living in isolation, and she’s not sure how she managed to survive for so long.

The remaining survivors are overjoyed to see Meredith, and they’re grateful for the support and guidance she provides. She’s a reminder of the past, and she’s a symbol of hope for the future.

As the days go by, Meredith helps the remaining survivors to rebuild their lives. She’s a strong and determined leader, and she’s not afraid to make difficult decisions.

The remaining survivors are grateful for Meredith’s return, and they’re determined to support her and help her create a better future.


As the situation in Scranton continues to deteriorate, a power struggle starts to emerge between Meredith and Jack. Both are strong and determined leaders, and they’re not afraid to fight for what they believe in.

The remaining survivors are caught in the middle, unsure of who to trust or what to believe. They’re scared and unsure of what the future holds, and they’re not sure if they can survive this latest crisis.

But then, Jim intervenes. He’s been a quiet and observant presence throughout the crisis, and he’s not afraid to speak his mind.

Jim convinces Meredith and Jack to put aside their differences and work together. He’s not afraid to challenge them, and he’s determined to create a better future for the remaining survivors.

The remaining survivors are grateful for Jim’s intervention, and they’re determined to support him and help him create a better future.


As the days go by, Jim starts to realize the true extent of Jack’s obsession with QAnon. He’s become more and more radicalized, and he’s willing to do whatever it takes to protect the remaining survivors.

But then, Jim makes a shocking discovery. He realizes that Jack was responsible for the death of his wife, Pam. Jim is devastated and enraged, and he’s not sure how to cope with the revelation.

The remaining survivors are shocked and saddened by the news, and they’re not sure what to do. They’re still weak from long covid, and many of them are starting to get the flu.

But despite their fear and weakness, the remaining survivors are determined to keep going. They know that they have to be strong and stay united, if they want to survive and rebuild their lives.


As the situation in Scranton continues to deteriorate, the remaining survivors are struggling to hold on. They’re weak and scared, and many of them are dealing with long covid and the flu.

Jim is devastated by the revelation that Jack was responsible for the death of his wife, Pam. He’s struggling to cope with the pain and anger, but he’s determined to keep going for the sake of the remaining survivors.

Meredith is a strong and determined leader, and she’s doing her best to help the remaining survivors rebuild their lives. She’s not afraid to make difficult decisions, and she’s determined to create a better future.

Jack is consumed by his obsession with QAnon. He’s become more and more radicalized, and he’s willing to do whatever it takes to protect the remaining survivors.

Stanley is still struggling with the trauma of the pandemic. He’s isolated and scared, but he’s starting to open up and form new connections with the other survivors.

The remaining survivors are scared and unsure of what the future holds, but they’re determined to stay strong and stay united. They know that they have to keep fighting, if they want to survive and create a better future.


As the situation in Scranton continues to deteriorate, the remaining survivors are struggling to hold on. They’re weak and scared, and many of them are dealing with long covid and the flu.

But then, something incredible happens. Andy and Darryl, two of the original survivors, return to the office. They’ve been living in isolation, and they’ve managed to find a cure for the virus.

The remaining survivors are overjoyed to see Andy and Darryl, and they’re grateful for the cure they’ve brought. They’re a symbol of hope and resilience, and they’re determined to use the cure to create a better future.

As the days go by, the remaining survivors start to rebuild their lives. They’re still weak and scared, but they’re starting to find strength and hope.

Andy and Darryl are instrumental in this process, using their skills and knowledge to help the remaining survivors recover and heal. They’re grateful for the support and friendship of the other survivors, and they’re determined to create a better future together.


As the situation in Scranton continues to deteriorate, Jim is consumed by his desire for revenge. He’s still devastated by the revelation that Jack was responsible for the death of his wife, Pam, and he’s determined to make him pay.

Despite the objections of the other survivors, Jim sets out to track down and kill Jack. He’s consumed by his anger and grief, and he’s not willing to let anyone stand in his way.

After a long and dangerous pursuit, Jim finally catches up to Jack. In a moment of fury, he kills him, avenging the death of his wife.

The remaining survivors are shocked and saddened by the events, and they’re not sure what to do. They’re still weak and scared, and they’re not sure if they can survive this latest crisis.

But despite their fear and uncertainty, the remaining survivors are determined to keep going. They know that they have to be strong and stay united, if they want to rebuild their lives and create a better future.


As the situation in Scranton continues to deteriorate, the remaining survivors are struggling to hold on. They’re weak and scared, and many of them are dealing with long covid and the flu.

But then, something incredible happens. Toby from HR, who was thought to be dead, sends a message to the remaining survivors. He’s alive, and he’s found a way to rebuild the office.

The remaining survivors are hesitant at first, unsure of what to do. They’re scared and unsure of what the future holds, and they’re not sure if they can trust Toby.

But then, something amazing happens. The survivors start to feel a sense of hope and determination, and they’re inspired to return to the office and start rebuilding their lives.

But it’s all a trick. Toby’s message was actually sent by Michael, who is still alive and has become even more paranoid and delusional. He’s infected the office with the virus, and he’s determined to destroy the remaining survivors.

The remaining survivors are horrified and devastated by the revelation, and they’re not sure if they can survive this latest crisis.

But despite their fear and uncertainty, the remaining survivors are determined to keep going. They know that they have to be strong and stay united, if they want to rebuild their lives and create a better future.


As the situation in Scranton continues to deteriorate, the remaining survivors have lost all hope. They’re weak and scared, and many of them are dealing with long covid and the flu.

The long covid has taken a toll on their bodies, and many of them are suffering from blood clots and heart attacks. They’re not sure if they can survive this latest crisis, and they’re starting to lose hope.

But despite their fear and uncertainty, the remaining survivors are determined to keep going. They know that they have to be strong and stay united, if they want to rebuild their lives and create a better future.

But it’s all in vain. One by one, the remaining survivors succumb to their illnesses and die. There are no survivors left, and Scranton is left a desolate and empty place.


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