The Dangers of Eye Contact with the Soulless


6 Blue Eyes

They say the eyes are the windows to the soul.  But what if the eyes you are looking into have no soul behind them?  It has been said that if you look into the eyes of a killer, you are looking into hell.  A woman working at a pet rescue looked directly into the eyes of a puppy killer looking to adopt his next victim and she went directly to hell.

Her co-worker describes “She was standing there, looking into that guys eyes.  She looked a little too long trying to figure out what he was up to.  I blinked my eyes, then she was gone.  After that I could sort of hear her screaming and I swear she said help me I am in hell.”

The eyes are not just windows, they are also doorways to unknown destinations.

A farmer looked into the eyes of a woman he met out in one of the fields. She was an adulterous woman looking to take the simple farmer from his wife.   The man fell into her eyes, never to be heard from again.

The woman admits, “I did want to take him, but not this way.  He looked at me, mesmerized, then started to lean towards me.  I thought for a kiss, but then he fell into my eyes. I don’t know where he went.  I’ve never heard of these things.  They accuse me of murder.”

When the police forced the woman to bring the man’s wife to the place where he disappeared, they were shocked at what happened.   They could hear a faint sound of the man’s laughter.

His wife believes, “He is in a better place now.  The woman has no soul, but heaven was in her eyes.”

Avoid hazardous behavior, never look a soulless person in the eye.  To be safe, EMToast recommends never looking anyone in the eye.

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5 thoughts on “The Dangers of Eye Contact with the Soulless

  1. So you think I should stop visiting San Quenton to have staring contests with Charlse Manson?
    He has a lot of crazy in his eyes, but so far I’ve won everytime.

  2. I heard you were supposed to keep a penny between your palms at all times, that way they can’t complete the circuit and send you to hell. or is that just when you are praying?

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