POLICE: Feral Cats Abduct and Rape Woman


Cat Caught Raping

Belgian tourist, Julio Prejean, witnessed the terrorizing occurrence while vacationing in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Prejean told police, “It was a safe and happy afternoon. After we hiked up to Diamond Head for some sight seeing. We drove up to the shrimp truck, it’s a little catering truck, for some lunch.

We noticed a lot of feral cats circling around. I asked the shrimp truck worker about it and he told me that each day after lunch it was their policy to dump the leftovers near the beach. The feral cats are a local attraction and it keeps the tourists coming. I started taking some pictures with my phone of the cats. They looked unusual. The whole group of them was piling onto each other, salivating, and became a sort of pulsating mound. The closer I got the more stressed they became. I backed off. A woman in a bathing suit who didn’t seem to notice their behavior walked right up to them and tried to hand feed them a garlic lemon shrimp. I don’t know if it was the garlic, the bikini, or what but the cat mound exploded at her. Before anybody knew what was happening they took her down and dragged her off. I tried to snap off a couple pictures, but couldn’t get a clear one. You know how they show cats fighting in a cartoon where it’s just a bit cloud with claws coming out here and there? It was something like that.”

Giovanni's Shrimp Truck - Kahuku, HI

The woman taken by the cats was Saundra Harstad, a 26 year old Pediatric Social worker of Gahanna, OH. Authorities found the remains of Harstad’s body in a cave less than ½ a mile from the Shrimp Truck’s location.

Only her eyes were left. In nature, the eyes are the only part of a fish that cats leave behind. Even big cats such as lions and tigers always leave the eyes.

Forensic evidence collected on the site indicates Harstad was likely sexually assaulted and certainly murdered by the feral cats. This is confirmed by blood evidence found on the fur of several feral cats. In a happy twist to this dark tale, the formerly feral felines have been rehabilitated are currently up for adoption at the Hawaiian Feline Association Feral Cat Rescue.

Honolulu Police reports evidenced that residents have made several complaints about the cats their caves in the past. These were largely ignored by local authorities until the Harstad attack. The cave has now been closed off with chicken wire. Feral cat traps have been placed outside the cave so the creatures can be caught and rehabilitated for integration back into the mainstream pet population.

Cat expert Dr. Jackson Reusing says, “Rape in domestic cats is uncommon but not unheard of. Male cats are known to rape kittens in a show of dominance, but the phenomena of cats raping humans is something we have only seen in the past few years. It’s important to note that feral cats are much more dangerous than your standard house cat (Felis Silvestrus Catus)/ The feral cat (Felis Barbux Catus) is physically very different from his domesticated brother. A feral cat, born in the wild, undergoes a single generation transformation.

All cats are known to have barbed penises much like a fish hook, the feral cat has a more dangerous double barbed and retractable penis much like his cousin the lion. The penis barb traps the victim and eliminates any chance of escape for the victims. In every case where the victim was able to survive a cat rape, the cat or cats had to be surgically removed from their prey.

Domestic cat’s also have a barbed tongue which is why when they lick us it feels scratchy. In feral cats, these barbs become sharper which allowing the feline to literally lick the flesh from it’s victim. This is another trait shared with the big cats.”

Researchers studying feral cat behavior have noticed an alarming trend in recent years, not just in Hawaii, but worldwide. They have discovered rogue packs of adult male feral cats raping humans not in rural areas, but mostly in densely populated areas where food and shelter is plentiful. Human meat decoys with tracking devices have been dumped on city streets and observed being taken to remote “feline rape caves” raped, torn apart and eaten.

Lance Lipca of the Feline Research Institute in Ithaca ,NY has been studying feral cat rape behavior for 3 years. He based the above mentioned decoy research on the 2008-2009 Dolphin rape decoy studies of Scott Randleston of the Dolphin Research Institute of Boca Raton

Lipca stated, “Randleston’s research proved an aggressiveness in young male dolphins that no one expected or believed possible. In his studies decoys were taken into underwater caves and repeatedly assaulted by the dolphins. The cats have taken it a step further. They take the decoys into any hidden area they can find, whether it be a basement, a dumpster, or sometimes right out in the open. A cat rape cave can be any dark corner, but cats don’t’ limit themselves to corners. They use their barbed penises to trap and assault their victim, both male and female, then lick the flesh from their bodies with their extremely sharp tongues leaving nothing by the eyes and skeletal remains.”

Lipca continues, “The current theory is that feral city cats have it too easy. Food and shelter are so plentiful that the playful cats have nothing to occupy their time. The cute kittenish looks can be deceptive. Don’t ever forget the cat is an apex predator who needs prey and challenge. We are looking at several causes including chemical or hormonal factors, but I believe the “easy life” is the main cause. “

Statistics collected from various government authorities paint a frightening picture.

United States Feral Cat Sexual Assault Statistics 1995-2012
1995-2000: No reported cases
2000-2005: 2 reported cases
2005-2010: 70 reported cases
2011: 86 reported cases
2012: 124 reported cases

These are only the attacks reported by survivors. There are no estimates of how many are missing or dead as a result of feral cat attacks. Many of these attacks occur without witness and due to the hidden nature of “feline rape caves” by the time victims are discovered, no evidence of cat involvement remains.

We encourage all to stay safe. Starting in 2013 many localities in the United States, have joined a “Mind your Pussy” campaign and issued a 5 step Feline Safety Checklist to reduce the feral cat menace.

1. Neuter all Male Cats
2. Don’t let your domestic cat outside
3. Don’t feed stray cats
4. Protect yourself. When walking alone, bring spray bottle to ward off attackers.
5. Use Lemon!  Lemon repels cats the same way that garlic repels vampires. Sprinkle lemon rinds around your home, keep dried rinds in your pockets, wear lemon perfume, hand lotion.

Three for a Quarter
“All these clouds floating around and blocking the sun. “

4 thoughts on “POLICE: Feral Cats Abduct and Rape Woman

  1. that’s what you get for trying to feed a cat lemon garlic shrimp. why the fuck would you feed a cat lemon garlic shrimp?

  2. that cat’s a skrimp catcher! you have to watch out for those cats, there is video survelience of a feral cat stalking a woman in a convenience store and it goes crazy and attacks the shit out of her and she had to get surgery, cats are dangerous, not only to song birds and other wild life

  3. What I can’t understand is why they are attracted to lemon garlic shrimp if they are repelled by lemon. Seems fake to me.

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