Fade in:

Ext. Desert – Day

We see a group of people walking through the desert. They are a diverse group. In the distance, we see a strange, glowing object hovering in the sky. As they get closer, they realize it is a spaceship.

Person 1: What in the world is that thing?

Person 2: It’s a spaceship. And it’s headed right for us!

The spaceship descends and lands in front of the group of people. They draw their guns and aim at the spaceship, ready for a fight.

Person 3: What do we do now?

Person 4: We gotta take that thing down.

Suddenly, the spaceship opens and out steps a group of humanoid creatures. They are tall and thin, with elongated heads and glowing eyes.

Person 5: Aliens!

The creatures begin to move towards the group of people, who fire their guns at them. But the bullets have no effect on the creatures. They quickly overpower the people and start to eat them.

Person 6: Oh no! We’re doomed!

The people fight back as best they can, but they are no match for the creatures. One by one, they are overpowered and eaten.

Person 7: We gotta get outta here!

The remaining people turn and run away as fast as they can, but the creatures are quickly gaining on them.

Person 8: It’s coming after us!

Suddenly, one of the people has an idea. He turns to the others.

Person 9: I’ve got a plan. We need to lead it to the old abandoned mine. We can trap it in there.

The people run towards the mine, with the creatures hot on their heels. They make it to the mine and quickly block the entrance with rocks and debris.

Person 10: We did it! We saved the day!

Fade to black.

The end.

Evil Santa Goes on Christmas Eve Rampage
Robot Parade v.08 Tinny

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