daolphin caught raping
Australian tourist, Karl Jurg, captured a  horrifying event while vacationing in Florida.

Jurg told reporters, “It was a nice day, the water was calm. The captain took us far out so that we could scuba and swim and maybe see some fish. I don’t much go for the water so I was taking some pictures of the other people on the boat as they were jumping into the water.  Just as one woman jumped off the boat into the water a dolphin shot straight out of the water and grabbed her and took her under, I just snapped off a couple shots and I was amazed that I actually got it on film. It’s weird but it was kind of beautiful the way it grabbed her, it was so graceful. Poor girl still hasn’t been found though.”
grampa camera chooters
The woman taken by the dolphin was 37 year old pilates instructor and professional dancer, Tanya Halerfan of Liverpool, NY .  Authorities are still looking for Halerfan.
Bob Grunderson of the National Coast Guard made a statement to the press stating, “Our search for Miss Halerfan or her remains will continue though we hold no hope of finding either. In past experience with cases of dolphin kidnapping and sexual assault the victims are usually never found.”

Researchers studying dolphin behavior have been noticing an alarming trend in recent years. They have discovered rogue packs of  adult male dolphins gang raping swimmers in open waters. Human decoys fitted with tracking devices have been dumped in open waters and observed from helicopter.
dolphin rapists zero in on prey

Scott Randleston of the Dolphin Research Institute of Boca Raton, has been studying dolphin behavior for 17 years, and came up with the decoy program. “In every case the decoy was set upon in a short time by groups of dolphins ranging from 8 to 20  young males. It seems there are gangs of dolphin predators roaming the open waters looking for humans to sexually assault.  The dolphins in each case were observed circling the swimmer as one of the group grabbed them with their penis and dragged them under, then the others followed.  You see dolphins have a prehensile penis,  it is full of powerful muscles and they can wrap it around objects, such as a human wrist, ankle, neck, or waist. One could compare it to a boa constrictor or an elephant trunk….The decoys never resurfaced in any of the studies…. We tracked one of the decoys to an underwater cave where it had been repeatedly raped and torn apart by the dolphins. ”

There are at least 14 cases of dolphin rape reported each year in the United States, these usually occur near the shore where victims are able to escape before they can be dragged into a dolphin rape cave.  There is no real estimate of how many deaths are the result of dolphin rape each year as many of these occur in open water where there are few eyewitnesses if any.

Authorities will continue the search for Halerfan until Wednesday, stating, “We believe this to be a reasonable time frame, if she were not killed in the attack it still means she will have been in open water without any sort of flotation device for more than 6 days and the likelihood of survival at that point is not possible.”

Fuck You Genie
Scientists Translate Chihuahua Barks

169 thoughts on “Dolphin Rape Caught on Film

    1. Ya know, i really….. luved dolphins until i read that… What kind of dolphins would RAPE a lady?!?!?!?! I couldn’t imagine dolphines RAPING someone. Never would have imagined it.

      1. This article is not real news. No dolphin has ever killed (or raped) a human. They want you to hate dolphins so that you don’t care that we are losing the oceans.

  1. I never swim in the ocean because of this very reason, dolphin rape caves, the horror of the sea

    1. I do not doubt the validity of this story, I have seen several things on the news about aggressive dolphins masturbating on people near florida, they actually put out warnings to beach goers.The dolphins will approach swimmers and the swimmers think it is all fine and good then the dolphins start bumping them and rubbing their penises on them. I have not seen this particular story on the news but perhaps it was only on the local stations

  2. Personally, I have too many probs just trying to find a nice, open-minded, spritually-centered, intelligent man who has a job. So, I’ve never had to worry about dating dolphins…. or getting raped by them in thier caves

    1. the things you don’t worry about are always the ones that sneak up on you and rape you in thier caves. I don’t even go near the water, but I still worry about it, you never know who you might be chatting with on the phone or the internet, didn’t you ever see johnny pneumonic that is some scary shit, they are everywhere man E V E R Y W H E R E!

  3. Hey Dolphin Haters,
    I have a group on Facebook called Brick A Dolphin. If you have facebook just type Brick A Dolphin into the search bar. This story has been posted there and we hope to find many more.
    If you have any further queries email me.

  4. Rape Caves! Right! Especially since Dolphins would never risk going in a place where they cannot surface for air! Yes they are horny and have attacked people sexually, but rape caves and as for a penis that can wrap around like an elephant’s trunk not true either. Otherwise you’d see them using the damn things to hunt and they do not.

    1. They might be talking about caves where the entrance is underwater, but there is still an air pocket, or it leads to a chamber with some communication with the outside, thus providing access to air, while at the same time being hidden and impossible for a human to escape.

    2. You aren’t intelligent are you yes it’s completely true that their penises can rap around body parts, I’ve seen it personally working at the Ripley’s aquarium in Gatlingburg, they are long muscular penises that are able to rap around thing like a python, how else would they be able to mate with other dolphins

  5. i don’t see how an intelligent 2st century person can question this article. dolphins are creepy.
    ever since i saw ‘day of the dophin’ back in the mid 70’s they have freaked me out.

  6. who would take the time to write something this long???? this is so stupid you people actually think its real?

  7. Considering that Humans have in common with Dolphins all the traits that Humans don’t have in common with other primates (see source: PBS broadcast “What Darwin Never Knew” which examines the genetic differences between humans and apes but fails to examine the similarities between humans and dolphins, and this article here: http://hubpages.com/hub/Was-Man-the-Aquatic-Ape ), it doesn’t surprise me that they would find Humans sexually attractive. Even the genetics are so close (see source: http://www.oar.noaa.gov/spotlite/archive/spot_texas.html ) that if it wasn’t for the fact that humans have 2 extra chromosomes there would already be Human/Dolphin Hybrids swimming around.

    And considering that Dolphins actually have more cognitive abilities than humans (it is required for the echo-location to translate as a visual sense) and have otherwise nearly identical neurology and even have similar spinal structure and position while in the water… well… Dolphins probably see Humans as another kind of Dolphin. Since Dolphins rape other Dolphins that would make sense. Remember, an animal with cognitive abilities comparable or superior to that of a human wouldn’t regard itself as lower than the Human but regards itself as equal.

    Or at the very least from their perspective humans are the beast in this beastiality. That would be interesting. I mean, statistically, very few Dolphins willingly copulate with humans even though many more are clearly sexually aroused by Humans. Just like very few Humans willingly have sex with animals. So they could restrain themselves because they themselves regard it as Beastiality but the ones we hear about just don’t care.

    1. Elliander wy did you right something that long? three paragraphes really. im noit try ing to be mean or anything thats just bogas

      1. If you don’t like it you don’t have to read it. Though personally, I would rather read three paragraphs in English than 3 sentences that I can’t really seem to understand.

  8. I got so irate reading about these dolphin rapists sexually assaulting our human women I decided to go rape some dolphins to show them what it’s like.
    I hate to admit it but I really, REALLY liked it!
    Now I only have sex with dolphins. Seems I just can’t get off without my balls slapping against their anal fins!

  9. I wish I had a huge prehensile penis to pull the ladies into my room with. Human courtship practices are so tedius and expensive!

  10. Anybody knoiw where I can get a copy of the actual film?
    I know people who will pay good money for it!!

  11. Dolphins aint no big deal, but you need to watch out for them Blue Whales!
    Perverts of the deep.

  12. No one talks about minnow rape. You may laugh because they’re such little guys, but I can tell you you wouldn’t like to get gang raped by a whole school of them!

  13. The picture is obviously fake..
    Or atleast it looks extremely fake..
    But dolphins do actually rape people by dragging them under with their penises
    Pretty scary stuff.. especially if you’re a homophobic male, imagine getting raped by that thing.
    Pretty sure a dolphins penis doesn’t look like a gigantic strand of laffy taffy though >_>

  14. rape is a strong word for an animal ,considering they cant ask and don’t understand no.
    they are said to be as intelligent as we are so they have needs but when unable to ask,they just take which is the same as many humans do in different ways all the time.

    1. My dolphin understands the word no. Every time he goes in the house and I say ” no no bad dolphin !” and smack him in the snout with a newspaper. He understands because all you have to do is say “no” and he cringes even if he hasn’t gone in the house.

    2. So what. A kill is a kill. Intentional or just an accident? The fact remains and the “killer” would still have to face legal actions. The truth is just as real as they(animals) are “innocent”

  15. it’s awesome! We can now treat them like equals. Humm… let’s start a war? Torture them? Burn them with nuclear bombs? Hum… no, i think they have more more path in their way to reach our levels.

  16. this is the funniest string of posts i have ever read in my life!!!!!!!

    My dolphin understands the word no. Every time he goes in the house and I say ” no no bad dolphin !” and smack him in the snout with a newspaper.

    where do you people come up with this???
    i laughed so hard i pissed my pants while sitting at my computer, now i have to wait till i dry before i can leave the office!!!


  17. This is obviously a joke, people. The picture at the top was totally photoshopped, dolphin penises DON”T look like that

      1. Technically seen, everybody knows who has taken the time to check what site we are on.
        EMToast is a gag site son…

  18. Not prehensile enough to grab. Yellow Tabloid Journalism + Sensationalism = Sells News. Worked with Dolphins, had to ‘collect’ them for sperm count analysis. I was not drug under to my death. I promise you that.

  19. yea, these dolphins be climbing in your windows, snatching your people up, so you better hide your kids, hide your wife, cos they are gonna take you to their rape cave… haha.

  20. I am a victim of dolphin rape. I was swimming east off Miami and then I saw a dolphin; thinking it was harmless, I started to swim and interact with it. The article explains why it kept rubbing itself on me, but what followed is worse. It lured me out into the ocean where there were 3 or 4 more dolphins, one of them slammed me deeper into the ocean where they began all rubbing me in one huge dolphin-like orgy. They then bit my clothes off and started violating my only orifice (not mouth). I was able to hold my breath up to this point, until a diver came to my rescue. After an initial struggle (with both of us being raped again), we managed to fend off the remaining of the pack. Needless to say, it was one of the scariest encounters I’ve ever had (although somewhat pleasurable), and I now make sure that every avid swimmer I meet realizes the true nature of these “innocent” dolphins.

    1. Somewhat pleasurable? details?

      I hate the ocean it looks pretty but I ain’t going in it with those Sharks, jellyfish crabs and other scary monsters of the deep now we have our Dolphins turned into mass rapists thugs serial killers.

      Someone needs to make a horror movie about this where they drag people to the rape cave and all the dead bodies are stored there..disgusting.

  21. Well… Time to slaughter some dolphins and cook them. Male dolphins to be exact…. And I’ll kill them painfully, too. I’ll chop their dick off first, then I’ll chop off all limbs and cut them slowly and painfully, ripping their teeth and tongue too, and I’ll chop their flesh and cook them. Delicious, dolphin steak with the pain they deserve. Mmm….

    1. I like to explode dolphins with telekinesis after I put them into a large pot. Once they are exploded I add cilantro, garlic and little lemon and put them on to simmer for 36 hours, and wahla tasty dolphin stew. deloooshky

  22. 8/4/2012 i have just heard about the dolphins molesting people……..#1 i would like to know what type of dolphin it it that attacts like that? or is it all types>?? #2 I heard that they only rape (molest) Women?? thank you patricia kumpf

    1. I believe it is bottlenose dolphins, and they rape anything that moves and has an orifice, if it doesn’t have an orifice, they make one.

  23. Okay, first, im speechless….. Second, I would like to know if this is true. I read everyones comments and agree that that picture is fake as heck the story might be true be I dont know if this is a reliable site and to the dolphin rape victim if its true im so very sorry but I thought the dolphins penis was strong(muscluar) and the size of an elephant trunk, the force of the dolphin trying to get his whole penis in you should kill you let alone 3 other dolphins trying too

    1. Look around the rest of the site and you will find that EMToast is one of the more reputable sites, especially when it comes to Weird World News. Since the victim is likely dead (they never found her) your theory about three dolphins tearing her to pieces is likely true.

  24. The image is photoshopped. Human legs when jumping off for a swim, would never be at the angles as shown. It is photoshopped, and that too of very poor quality. The story is for kids to believe and panic.

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