The Dot-com Era is Ending
The end of the Dot-com era will be September 26, 2024. After that date, EMToast will no longer be an...
The end of the Dot-com era will be September 26, 2024. After that date, EMToast will no longer be an...
It's finally here! The 2,606 page Ebook you've been waiting for! The entire archive including all comments. 2024Download...
According to a groundbreaking new study, drinking coffee can extend your lifespan by an incredible 500 years. The study, which...
Merry Christmas you dolphin loving foot sniffing freaks!
It's hard to pick a favorite.
FADE IN: INT. CLOUDY SKY - DAY The sky is dark and overcast, with thick clouds rolling across the horizon....
In the year 2035, deep in the heart of the Amazon rainforest, a group of mad scientists had finally succeeded...
Tell me this doesn't look delicious.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You will do anything to make others feel uncomfortable, even in their own homes. Your intention...
It was a dark and stormy night in the Wild West. The sky was filled withlightning and the wind howled...
In 2025 When EMToast becomes a large corporation, a new logo will be chosen. Thousands of people will be hired,...
In the style of Beatrix Potter?
Feel free to print out these colorful stickers and stick them all over your kitchen. Back in the 80's kids...
Fade in: Ext. Desert - Day We see a group of people walking through the desert. They are a diverse...
It was a dark and stormy night, and the streets were empty except for the throngs of robots marching in...
Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, a group of robots decided to hold a parade. The...
I can't figure out why anyone would even spend the time to do this type of thing. I mean does...
The pixel art depicted two beautiful women, standing side by side. One of them held a slice of toast up...
She's the girl with the golden toothShining bright, shining truthShe lights up the room with her smileShe's got style, she's...
The toast was a deep golden color, the color of the sun at its peak in the sky. It was...
Billy Wizard was a young boy who lived in a small village on the outskirts of a dense forest. He...
Who could possibly be this interested in toast? No human. Perhaps the toast is painting itself? Self portraits. Is toast...
I needed clip art for my book report on the book How to Make Toast. Couldn't find it anywhere so...
The walls of my room look this way. Glowing buzzing neon toast lulls me to sleep. In the summer mosquitoes...
Your mind has been invaded by the freaky toast man. Nothing will ever be the same for you. It it...
Whe she first saw the werewolves, he was with her. They walked together across the humans. The moon was their...
These titles are so creative. I hope the werewolves at least look cool. It's pretty sad when all the best...
That's right! I said it. Moon Eyes.
It's no Howling, but maybe a Wolven. The age of Werewolves is upon us.
If these were action figures, I'd probably consider buying one.