Creepy Sightings
Find him before he finds you!
Where’s Creepy?
Dare to find out.
Study the missing creep on the milk carton above then see if you can find him in the picture below.
Creepy could be anywhere, crowd surfing, lurking in the shadows, screaming through space, watching Lincoln get torn asunder by robots, in the cubicle next to you, or chewing through your soul.
Can you find him before it’s too late?
click on the picture to enlarge it.
*point out:
-a vampire
-a vicitm of anaphylacic shock
-a misfit
-a case of highly contagious pink eye
-a baby monkey
– an orb
– a dude with a headband
-the obvious
and score bonus points.
That little creep. I found him!!
I hope I never find that creep. I bet he yells like Vin Diesel.
the one guy has limp lip. who is the little face guy on the right next to dog face guy?
that is the baby monkey next to the misfits skull face tattoo.
The guy behind the one with the green shirt