The Mouths of My Children’s Bellies: One Woman’s Foray into the Territories of Ebay

BAGLADY: Is the purse material canvas-cloth, or is it plastic? Thanks a bunch,
PURSESELLER: The material is canvas.
BAGLADY: Yikes! Disappointment…I received the little purse and it is clearly NOT “canvas” – It is PLASTIC – in fact: the tag inside says: 100% VINYL which is totally against my personal purchasing ethics. I try very hard to not buy plastic/vinyl products. I cannot use this purse and will be donating it to Goodwill.
PURSESELLER: OMG!!! I had no idea plastic and vinyl were different…did not look at the tag.. thought it was
canvas(plastic/vinyl) again no difference to me…sorry to disappoint.. SORRY
BAGLADY: Well…’canvas’ is cloth, and definitely not any type of man made plastic or vinyl. If you would like to refund the $6 bucks, that’d be much appreciated…
PURSESELLER: As soon as you send the purse back. I will be glad to refund your money. After that negative
comment you made I’m doing no favors for you.
BAGLADY: I don’t really understand your curt comments, since my eBay rating was completely honest. The Q&A portion of the eBay experience is used to avoid misunderstandings PRIOR to purchase. If I had just blindly bid on this item and then expressed disappointment after receiving it… that’d be one thing. But I asked a specific question as to whether or not it was canvas material – and you answered YES it was – therefore, I purchased the item and paid you immediately. When it arrived – looking like plastic/vinyl, smelling & feeling like plastic/vinyl, and with a tag that clearly stated 100%vinyl – yes, was disappointed. You misrepresented the item – even when I took the time to ask specific questions. Lesson learned: know your product and provide correct/informed responses. People are relying on that. Let’s not bother anymore over a $6 buck item. I’m donating the purse to charity and moving on.
Your cavalier attitude is not appreciated, the humiliation of my time throughout this process, and I think it is because you detected my accent and I know that English is not my native language. You asked if the bag was canvas fabric, which at that time I said to you that type. Plastic threads are made of vinyl, which is then woven into cloth, you do not ask for specific scientific descriptions of this type of thread was then woven into canvas MATERIAL. Canvases can be made of many different materials. I feel I have been discriminated against my tongue itself, because you tell them to bag it cost you $6 and $5 It was not trying to use an excuse to get another dollar out of me, what could be going into the mouths of my children’s bellies. I believe that I practiced professionalism and even googled English words used in the course of you so that you do not understand me the answers yourself, now you’ve made me so depressed that I cannot even begin to look for to make sure that the things I say, English sense of your brain to tell you to listen to what I tell you. I wish I had your face in front of me, I cannot see your eyes, and you can get a sense of sadness and sorrows in my soul my children starve their bellies. You do not know troublesomeness I pulled up a purse to sell received, you don’t know what this has done to the inside parts of the souls of the loved ones of me.May God rest your soul. Good day sir!
BAGLADY: My response to you had NOTHING to do with language, ethnicity, or anything of the sort. I live in the Bay Area, which is one of the most wonderful exciting melting pots of humanity on the planet, and am from immigrant stock, myself – where English was not the native language. Just keep the $6.00- learn from the lesson – and be happy!