The Good Old Days of Spam
Spam has changed. It used to be a lot more fun. Messages about discount watches, and viagra, and 13 foot ejaculation used to be followed with large blocks of wondrous and nonsensical text. Text that was used for artistic ventures such as spam poetry and spam radio. But that’s so 2003. I barely even see spam anymore and I get the feeling the spammers have given up. They don’t feel creative anymore. Their spirits broken by increasingly good spam filters.
If you’re feeling nostalgic for the good old days of spam, why not check out some of the best of spam radio at
Here is an excerpt of what you will find there.
“Wilma sucks a beast – Very explicit, yet full of romance.
13ft ejaculation – Who knew that distance was so important?
Camgirl – All sounds very innocent.
Roll up, roll up – Free free free free free.”
photo credit: JasonRogers
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Not even one spam made it to my inbox today. It’s just sad. And when I checked my spam folder all I saw was hundreds of Google Service Invoice # & 1 year warranty Rep1icaWatches.
I like BBQ flavored spam.
Fried chicken flavored spam has always been a favorite over at our house.