Study Finds That All of Humanity’s Problems Could Be Solved if We Just Had More Emojis

In a groundbreaking new study, researchers at the University of Emoji have found that all of humanity’s problems, from war and famine to climate change and Justin Bieber, could be solved if we just had more emojis to express ourselves with.
“Emojis are the answer to everything,” said Dr. Emoji, the lead researcher on the study. “With more emojis, we could finally put an end to all the dumb arguments and misunderstandings that have plagued humanity for far too long.”
According to the study, the use of emojis has the potential to bridge the gap between people from different backgrounds and cultures, allowing them to better understand each other and find common ground. “Just imagine it,” said Dr. Emoji. “No more miscommunications, no more hurt feelings, no more political gridlock. All thanks to the power of emojis.”
The study points to a number of specific examples where the use of emojis could have a positive impact. For instance, the ongoing conflict in the Middle East could be resolved if the various parties involved were able to use emojis to better express their feelings and intentions. “Instead of firing missiles at each other, they could just send each other a smiling poop emoji,” said Dr. Emoji. “It’s much more fun and a lot less messy.”
Additionally, the study suggests that the use of emojis could help to alleviate economic inequality by allowing people from different socio-economic backgrounds to better understand each other’s perspectives. “A single winking face emoji could be the key to bridging the wealth gap,” said Dr. Emoji. “It’s a no-brainer, really.”
“It’s a nice thought, but I don’t think it’s realistic to believe that a few smiley faces and thumbs up signs are going to suddenly make the world a better place,” says one critic. “We need to address the root causes of our problems, not just rely on emojis to smooth things over.”
But the researchers at the University of Emoji remain undeterred. They are currently hard at work developing a new emoji that they believe will solve all of humanity’s problems, once and for all. And who knows, maybe one day we’ll all be able to use the “world peace” emoji to finally put an end to war, famine, and disease.