I feel your pain my very good man. I, just as you was perusing the internet for resources of pornographic material specifically coming at a flea market and was directed to this site which has been a grave mistake. There is no such material that I am desirous of seeing on such a site as this. I too, like you my very good friend have feelings of rage and inadequacy and shame, and I too shall express this is negative commentary on the actions of this site. For shame on you for misleading us and distracting us from our pornographic path, Shame on the person’s responsible for this reprehensibly idiotic site! All my strength is gone. The vigor which fueled my original search is gone, flaccid once more until I am no longer sated by my late time television and must start my search anew and go to my computer for the last hours before sleep so that I may assuage the primordial urges of my savage manhood.
Jesus fucking H. Christ.
Do you actually waste your time writing this retarded shit?
You need to fucking grow up you pathetic loser.
I feel your pain my very good man. I, just as you was perusing the internet for resources of pornographic material specifically coming at a flea market and was directed to this site which has been a grave mistake. There is no such material that I am desirous of seeing on such a site as this. I too, like you my very good friend have feelings of rage and inadequacy and shame, and I too shall express this is negative commentary on the actions of this site. For shame on you for misleading us and distracting us from our pornographic path, Shame on the person’s responsible for this reprehensibly idiotic site! All my strength is gone. The vigor which fueled my original search is gone, flaccid once more until I am no longer sated by my late time television and must start my search anew and go to my computer for the last hours before sleep so that I may assuage the primordial urges of my savage manhood.