How To Avoid the Guilt of Not Loving Your Child


Free Child Buried in The Sand Creative Commons

NY radio station 1010 WINS broadcast today that "behavior problems can turn the child you love and your life into a nightmare." Sadly, 95 percent of children are classified as "unlovable" by their parent at some point during their lives.

You may have a child who is unlovable.  If so, you need not feel guilty.  It’s not your fault if you can’t love your child.  You surely tried, but he or she is probably just an annoying asshole.  You come from a long line of annoying assholes, everyone does.  Genetics are difficult to overcome.

If your child turns out to be unlovable, take comfort, there is good chance that your child will grow out of it, move out of the house before 40, and not drain your every last resource before completely disowning you.

If you do hate your child, please don’t tell them.  They probably already know, and this may not be a permanent situation.   They may forget that you hated them if you do it quietly,  but they will never forget your hurtful words if you say, “I hate you.”  Instead, pretend to love them.  As the catchphrase goes “fake it until you make it.”   Remember, those little unlovable bastards can grow up to be big unlovable bastards and you’ll be too decrepit to do much about it. 

Lady Bird Johnson said it best when she said, “ Children are likely to live up to what you believe of them, and I believe all children are assholes until at least the age of 25!”

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