Don’s Wife Leaves Him for Another Woman


My Throat's Too Small

There was a rumor about Don.  His wife came home from work and found him lying on the couch, in only his tighty whities, next to his teenage daughter.  The wife wasn’t pleased.

Don smoked constantly.  His voice was horrid.  His co-workers couldn’t  stand to look at him and never spoke to him.

He had a throat so tiny that once when he went in for an operation, the doctors had to cancel it because they couldn’t get the tube down his throat for anesthesia.  Doctors claimed his throat was tinier than a small straw.  If he tried to drink water from a fountain he’d just choke and say “Aah, My throat’s too small.”

His wife left him for another woman.  The hatred for Don increased at work.  He got demoted.  He went from receiver, to dock sweeper.

Eventually, the warehouse he worked at closed down and Don wandered the streets smoking old cigarette butts and drinking water from puddles, very carefully as not to choke.

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6 thoughts on “Don’s Wife Leaves Him for Another Woman

  1. poor little guy, he is like that chicken that had it’s head cut off but it lived, and they would feed it with a little eye dropper down it’s neck hole because that is all it had at the end of it’s neck a hole. One day some jerk decided to feed the chicken a piece of corn. it got stuck in its neck hole and it died. I hope Don doesn’t get any corn stuck in his neck

  2. reminds me of my ex-soninlaw, what a loser. Last I heard he was in a high security unit at the Mississippi state prison. They caught him with two under age chickens, but the worse thing was one of them was a rooster. For that he got 3 years.

  3. I saw Don on market street in San Francisco. He was pushing a shopping cart full of pornography down the street and smoking an old cigar butt impaled on a pin. He also had a bright yellow umbrella.
    Don is doing A-OK!

  4. I heard he was producing emo porn in the san fernado valley, or maybe he was starring in it.
    I wasn’t paying attention when the guy was telling me.
    maybe he was just watching it, i dunno.

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