Dear Doctor: I’m Afraid of Sick Rats


Sick Rat Arcade

“Ask the Doctor” where readers ask questions of  the world renounced general practitioner Dr. Charles V. Fullerton.

Dear Doctor Fullerton: I’m afraid of sick rats.  What should I do? – Fraidy Rats

Dear Fraidy: Fear of sick rats is completely normal.  Those creatures are known to drill into the head and suck the precious blood out. I had a patient back in the 80’s who was so afraid of sick rats he couldn’t even play the arcade game “Sick Rat” with his children.   In his case, I was able to cure with word association.  Sick Rats sounds the same to Cigarettes.   I prescribed that every time he felt nervous, he was to light up a cigarette.  Within several years, he was cured of his life.  No more fears.

Your case sounds more serious.  I would recommend that you face your fears.  Let a sick rat bite you and see what happens.  I bet you’ll be fine.  . — The Honorable Dr. Charles V. Fullerton, G.P.

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