Dating Beasts: How to Attract Ugly Women



If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life …
Never make a pretty woman your wife …
So from my personal point of view …
Get an ugly girl to marry you …
Though her face is ugly, her eyes don’t match …
Take it from me, she’s a better catch …

lyrics to If You Wanna Be Happy / Jimmy Soul

Jimmy Soul had it right, and the good people at have a new program to help you win the homely hearts of these beastly gals.

The “Secrets Of Dating Beastly Women” program explains how to attract ugly women and date the hard-featured girls you desire, whether your preference is disfigured girls, repulsive girls, monstrous girls, dog or horse faced girls, revolting hairy armed women, or any other type of grotesque woman. The tactics you will learn in this program show you how to pick up the downtrodden in Philadelphia, Detroit, Arkansas, Georgia, Altoona, Newark and of course in your own hometown! You’ll learn the most powerful “insider secrets” for dating undesirable women and how to attract beasts without clever pickup lines or any knowledge, culture, or social skills. No matter where you are from, if you want to attract and date more hideous women, forget the bars–you are going to have to go to Walmart. EMToast students have reported amazing results from using these techniques to get ugly girls and pick up ugly women in laundry mats and recycling centers, but also in urologists offices and libraries. You’ll learn how to pick up grotesque women at the mall, the yarn store, the dollar store parking lot, or anywhere else that irregular merchandise can be found.

Look, if you’d like to know how to meet ugly girls, there are several things to need to realize that will make it easier for you to meet ugly girls and get phone numbers and dates.

To start with, you can’t be neat, well-groomed or practice excellent personal hygiene. The old expression “cleanliness is next to Godliness” is the surefire way to loneliness with the ugly set. You can tell how ugly girls put zero focus on cleanliness just by seeing how they take no pride in their appearance; even if they’re going to a wedding, they will look like they just awoke, unkempt and disheveled.

Basically, this means that when you’re out trying to meet ugly girls, you’ve always got to look a mess. Keep the outdated clothes that you’ve been wearing forever and under no circumstances go shopping for some new threads.

It’s also better to be slightly under-dressed, rather than overdressed, when you’re looking to meet grotesque girls– do not show up for a date in a collared shirt. An old t-shirt is best, the more stretched out the neck the better.  Also avoid button downs, khakis, and dress shoes which show that you care about appearance, which you don’t.

Next, give beastly women the sense that you’re not an organized guy who has his life in order. You will win many “points” with ugly girls by acting like you have no plans for the future. They don’t understand the concept of “success.”  Mention you have no plans or long-term goals to her. Be a man without a game plan. She’ll be able to imagine herself as a part of your future.

And to end with, your home should reflect the fact that you are a filthy messy person. Never invite ugly women into your home (or any woman, for that matter) if it’s extremely clean. Especially your bathrooms.

It’s very common for your female houseguest to have diarrhea and without asking use your bathroom.  Few things will turn them off more than a clean bathroom. No white surface should appear grime free.  I also advise you to remove any scented candles or air fresheners from your bathroom, and hang out some scratchy old rags for them to use to wipe with.

We hope you enjoyed this article on How To Meet Ugly Girls. Sign up for our  BEAST TACTICS VIP list to receive more tips on dating and seduction.

photo credit: Wineblat Eugene – Portraits

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7 thoughts on “Dating Beasts: How to Attract Ugly Women

  1. Actually it’s just as much work getting an ugly girl as a pretty one, so you may as well go for the looks if thats what you want!

    1. the thing is, the ones with looks will get tired of you eventually and leave, and for them there is a whole cornicpoia of men to choose from, the ugly girls don’t have that many choices so they are going to stick with it once you win them over with the sure fire techniques mentioned here. Hey you only have to put in a miniscule amount of work for what a week tops then you can just let yourself go after that

  2. Actually, have you noticed you often see the most pathetic losers with beautiful women?
    Be careful guys, not bathing for a month and pushing a shopping cart full of cans down the street might get you manacled to a super model if you aren’t careful!!!

    1. that “girl” in the picture is my brother Javier. He is quite passable as a beautiful woman, until it comes time for the knickers to come off and you see the scarred up cave they gave him for a vaginal opening. he is quite proud of it even though it looks terrible and painful, it came at a hefty price. they actually used parts of his colon to make the walls of the vagina because it is moist and sensitive and closely resembles vaginal tissue.

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