
In recent weeks EMToast has received a number of comments from a visitor by the name of Sickjunior. After visiting his blog MURDER BY MEDIA I learned that he suspects himself to be the victim of a lifelong conspiracy by the entertainment media to trap him in California, destroy his personal life, addict him to drugs, manipulate him with women, bug his home, broadcast his life, cultivate racism, sabotage his art career, and potentially sacrifice his life for charity. I had to interview him.

Toastmaster:I was thinking, how about I do an interview with you. What do you say Sickjunior?

Sickjunior: Uh, well, no one would believe my story, but hell, wouldn’t hurt to get the word out, I guess. At any rate it remains to be seen if they will allow you to interview me or at least post it.

Toastmaster: Who do you think wouldn’t allow me to interview you or post it? Does this have anything to do with “Murder by Media”?

Sickjunior: Yes. Absolutely. They’ve been manipulating and broadcasting my life for at least 35 years, by my estimate, possibly my entire life. At any rate, strange things have always been going on since I can remember.

They’ve been trying to strand me here in the Bay Area for over 25 years. Now that they’ve succeeded they will not let me go.

They don’t want me to make any statements or form any relationships in the outside world that they don’t control.

Toastmaster: Who are “they”?

Sickjunior: They are the entertainment media. They are your masters, the harbingers of the coming corporate dictatorship.

Toastmaster: Why you?

Sickjunior: Good question. Because I’m so entertaining I suppose. I know it sounds crazy, but I think it’s supposed to.

In fact I will have to weigh my words carefully or I’ll sound like just another schizophrenic, and not what I really am, the world’s child, the guy everybody loves to hate.

Toastmaster: How have the entertainment media been broadcasting your life?

Sickjunior: They have cameras and microphones in my room, in my car, and at my work.

Since people are always giving me their old clothes, I have no doubts they’re in there as well, as well as tracking devices.

Toasmaster: How have they been manipulating you?

Sickjunior: Every acquaintance and girlfriend I’ve had has been working for them. Remember ‘Total Recall’ when Arnold starts to remember his mission, and his wife and friends try to kill him because they are working for the agency? I had a similar experience when I finally figured out what had been going on.

Toastmaster: How have they stranded you in the Bay Area?

Sickjunior: This time when they got me up here, they made sure I can’t leave. The propaganda being broadcast against me is so inflammatory now that I can’t make ANY friends. No one will hire me, or do a damned thing for me. I have a part time one day a week job at a liquor store a few towns over, and I am lucky to have even that. Without friends or money, I’m pretty stuck. Stuck and fucked. They monitor my phone calls and online activity and likely tamper with my mail too, so I can’t, like, strike up a long distance romance or something and get away that way.

Because they control my internet activity they can control who I can communicate with.


Toastmaster: How do they control your relationships?

Sickjunior: They keep sending me these women who like ‘fall in love’ with me after a week or two. This has been going on for over 20 years now. Surely you can see the genius in that. These women aren’t interested in me, they just want to be part of this project. The one before last got me heavily involved with meth and really messed me up that way. You know most chicks will do anything to be on TV.

Keep in mind, they had me on meth a number of years, and you know how charming that can make you. Also, the women I was with would deliberately push my buttons while I was in stressful situations to make me blow my stack. They did this several times.

I wish they’d send another though. It’s been a while and I’m pretty horny. (ha ha)

I strongly suspect they have been documenting my sex life. All my girlfriends encouraged me towards strange (to me at least) sexual practices and wanted me to always talk dirty to them. Also, whenever we got hotel rooms, it was always the same room and when we checked out, the hotel keepers always looked and behaved towards me in the most curious of ways. They’ve filmed me doing all kinds of stuff that even I, who have long since resigned myself to the fact that I have NO privacy, blush to think about everyone seeing.

Toastmaster: How else?

Sickjunior: In my late teens they kept sending me guys. I think they wanted me to be gay, but I just wasn’t interested.

They got me involved with drugs big time, and, to a lesser extent, fascist politics.

Also they have sent me lots of people preaching white supremacy. I think it’s safe to say they wanted me to be a Nazi. Although I do think it’s a shame the white race is dying, I’m totally nonviolent and don’t like picking on people.

Toastmaster: Would we know any of the girls they sent to you? Did any of them go on to become famous?

Sickjunior: Many of the women I was with went on to high paying jobs that I don’t think they really deserved, but it was like a reward or something. Some work in entertainment, not as actresses though. One seems to have gotten several vacations out of it, two to Europe, and a college education. But what do I get? Me, the fuckin star? Nada. Just a lot of grief and despair.

Toastmaster: How do you convince people this is real?

Sickjunior: I don’t feel I need to convince people this is real as I’m sure most people already know about it, at least here on the west coast. I just want people to know that I’m really a loveable guy, and not the monster they see on the screen after the manipulating and editing.


Toastmaster: You’ll have to forgive me as an East Coaster, but I’ve never heard anything about this. Where have you been on television that the media portrayed you in a bad light?

Sickjunior: It is, at present at least, a long running cable television show on Community Access Television. They have several stations in California, especially in the Bay Area. I believe it’s Channel 29 San Francisco.

I hired a P.I. to find this stuff out, but he ripped me off and told me I was nuts. So much for his ethics. I then did my own investigation and found out these facts. The woman I used to live with, in her basement, worked at the Irvine Foundation on Market St. in San Francisco. Channel 29 is down the street from where she worked. She was head of multimedia communications for that ‘non profit’, and frequently put together programming that aired on that station.

Toastmaster: Let me understand. There is a cable show that you are on? Do you appear willingly? Can we know the name of the show?

Sickjunior: I don’t know the name of the show, web address of the website, or which radio station the radio broadcast was on. Naturally the people watching this garbage in my building put on music during the station breaks so I can not hear any of that information. I am only guessing the channel based on the reasons I have given. It may very well NOT be channel 29, but I am confident it is Community Access Television.

Criminal asshole television I calls it. C.A.T., which is why i despise cat people. I generally steer clear of people with cats on their avatars. Usually disagreeable bastards anyway.

Toastmaster: There was a radio show?

Sickjunior: As for the radio show, it seemed everybody knew and was discussing what I talked about in therapy on the busses. People were stopping by my doctor’s office when I was waiting to be seen and asking me what time my appointment was. My doctor had no idea who they were. I think it’s because they heard my sessions on the radio, knew what time they were, and wanted to see what I looked like.

Also my doctor used to drive me to the BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) station after our meeting. He always fiddled with the radio knobs before we left, then tried to engage me in controversial topics of conversation. Obviously he was taping or transmitting it. I’m sure he had a set up in his office too, but it didn’t require him to mess with it in front of me.

Before I finally confirmed that I was a big star, I used to have terrible depression, and, despite this, or because of it, this doctor showed me where in his office he concealed a loaded gun. I mean, WTF!? That right there shows you the ethics of these people.


Toastmaster: Any other forms of media?

Sickjunior: Aside from the cable show, which seems to run 24 hrs these days, there’s also a web site where you can read all my emails and there are also links to places I am online, and a radio show where they used to broadcast my psychiatric sessions.

Toastmaster: For what purpose do you believe the media is doing this to you? What do they get out of it?

Sickjunior: I know it’s kinda weird, but it’s my present theory that I’m being prepared as some kind of sacrifice. I believe the show generates charitable revenue to help poor black kids go to college. I have reasons for believing everything I have stated, so if you think it’s important to give my reasons, just ask. I’ve had to figure this all out with deductive reasoning alone, oftentimes I’m working with scanty evidence, but I’ve done the best I can.

This whole thing has always been covert. I always had a strange fantasy ever since i was little, that I was being broadcast on TV, maybe it was an intuition. I dunno. I thought for years that I was either crazy or that God was fucking with me, but when I finally heard this show, suddenly everything in my life made sense for the first time and I felt perfectly sane, till I found out there was nothing I could do about it, then I felt crazier than ever.


Toastmaster: Tell us more about this sacrifice. Do you believe this will occur on TV to generate charitable revenue?

Sickjunior: As for my being killed, that’s always a paranoid concern of mine. But realistically, if I die, the show ends, and, as we know, the show MUST go on. I worry that I may be in danger now that I’ve discovered the truth and have threatened to pull a Houdini and show up in another town in another part of the country, get a lawyer and get these sunzabitches, but again, they know what a creature of habit I am (they’ve been studying me all my life) so I doubt they take me very seriously.

People have been, over the years, conditioned to despise me. I have been tarred with many stigmatized epithets. They’ve gone out of their way to make sure I represent everything our PC society hates, misogyny, racism, drug addiction, selfishness, dishonesty, you name it. Maybe they feel it would be the feel good show of the century if I am raped and murdered by deranged blacks. But again, since it would terminate what must likely be a money making machine this may be my own paranoia. I hope so.

Toastmaster: Do you fear that EMToast will become the victim of some type of media retribution after we publish your story?

Sickjunior: No, I do not think your website is in any danger, they are not concerned about my publicity as they feel they have complete control over that. People not familiar with it will think I’m crazy, and those who know it’s true hate me from the footage they’ve seen of me so they don’t give a shit about my rights. They should though, because I’m only the beginning. Damn you Warhol and your 15 minutes of miserable fame!

The only thing they worry about is my making any real money, because then I’d be a threat to them!

Toastmaster: Have they ever let you make money?

Sickjunior: They did allow me an art career for a short space of time. I showed with Robert Williams, The Pizz, Bad Otis Link, and others of that scene (and mine was the weirdest work there!). I was also in small magazines. Flipside twice, Spazz and Noho, which were two local magazines in the San Fernando Valley, and Exclectic, which I’m sure was one of theirs. It had the worst layout I’d ever seen. These people have lots of disposable income.

I still have a box of promotional copies of the issue that featured me. I was even invited to a big party of theirs which my intuition warned me not to attend as it was in the very area that ‘Cat’ lived. Cat was supposedly my landlord’s boyfriend. He was always over messing with her computer, allegedly. Although his name was given to me as Catelen, I believe this was a joke of theirs as I think he worked for C.A.T. and set up many of the hidden microphones and cameras which I know were situated in my room, computer and car

Many people actively encourage me to keep making art even though they have no interest in owning any. “every part of the buffalo”, I bet they plan on making money off my art after I am dead. They have certainly laid the groundwork for my post mortem fame, which, although cool from an art history standpoint, does me no material good while I am alive.

I never turned a profit on my work. I had to matt and frame all my own work, very detailed pen and ink pieces that took on the average of 100 hours to produce, and the gallery, Gallery X in Hollywood, took 60% of the selling price. I never sold anything for over $350, so I always actually lost money.


Toastmaster: Can you expand on why the media is doing this?

Sickjunior: Sometimes I think I must have pissed off some stupidly rich people, likely Jews, who are big in media. But it has been going on since I was a child.

Perhaps my grandfather gave permission for this show when I was young. I was a bit of a handful, and the idea that he would be able to materially profit off of me may have appealed to him.

Someone has suggested that maybe my drug addict mother may have sold me to a television station. Although this scenario would make an excellent story, it seems to me unlikely. I do plan on writing a book about this as I believe I am the only person in human history to have been persecuted thus. It’s a story that needs to be told so that, hopefully I will be the last.

Gotta hand it to these media dinks, they really know how to write a trashy good show. If I had went for everything they’ve thrown my way, I’d be a gay Nazi with a serious drug habit living in Berkeley. NOW THAT’S ENTERTAINMENT!!

Toastmaster: What effects do you feel this has this had on your personal life?

Sickjunior: I find it interesting, and also sad and typical of human nature, that not more people feel bad about how this show has twisted me over the years. Talk about a glass ceiling. Nobody could live through something like this and it NOT affect them in profound and personal ways.

I have encountered some women who were obviously sympathetic, but they were clearly afraid to get involved.

It is because of this infernal exploitation that I have never married and started a family. It is also why I never aggressively pursued sexual conquests, aside from the fact women came after me usually, I could never trust anyone, especially women, because I always felt they were keeping big secrets from me, so trust was always a major stumbling block for me.

I felt bad for years that I could never get REALLY close to anyone. Now that I know why it’s no wonder. Ironic how my ‘fame’ has actually prevented me from enjoying my life to the fullest.

But again, this was never intended to benefit me. I have been made an unwitting tool by designing people with wicked intentions. Talk about a wasted life. Pisses me off when people say stuff like ‘how watching me ruin my life puts their own in perspective’. That only goes to show what brain washed hate zombies they are. I never had a chance even to ruin my life.

My life has never been my own. But everyone goes out of their way to do any little chickenshit thing they can to mess me up. Social workers have deliberately sabotaged my education and vocational rehabilitation, cashiers intentionally pass me counterfeit bills frequently and short change me, and i don’t even want to go into what all the losers in my building put me through on a daily basis. All this stuff was created and transmitted without my knowledge or consent, yet I am never endingly being punished for it. I know life ain’t fair, but DAMN!!

Toastmaster: What can you do about it?

Sickjunior: Hopefully i will live long enough to sue these bastards back to the stoneage, but local lawyers hang up on me the second they hear my voice.

I only pray it will end well. no middle ground, its either “GET RICH OR DIE!”

Maybe this (interview) will finally bring me some help. My neighbors were really mad last night and people were having loud arguments last night, worse than usual, and people are ignoring me and sending me viruses on Facebook. That’s out of the ordinary so I take it as a good sign.
They don’t like to see ANY changes in my life, those petty bastards!

This is really a life or death situation for me. These people are out to snuff me. I can see it’s entirely up to me to save myself. It doesn’t look good though as it’s just me against billions of delusional idiots. This thing just never ends.

Toastmaster: Okay. Thanks SJ. I think we’ve probably covered it all. Any closing statements you would like to make before we wrap it up?

Sickjunior: Yes. just one thing. “May God have mercy on your miserable souls.”
God told me to pass this along too…

“Harken unto the word of the Lord thy God, sons of dust that ye may save yourselves! Wo unto you unworthy sinners, generation of vipers, take it not upon yourselves to defy me yet again and crucify my only begotten son twice or i shall smite your seed mightily and put a curse upon thee which will humble you before the abominations which I have created to punish thee for thy transgressions!

Thus sayeth the lord thy god, the god of Abraham and Moses, and yay, Harpo, Zeppo and Gummo too were my prophets. Be liken unto them and heed my warning! Lest a hair on my son’s head be harmed or pushed out of place, wo unto you mankind for all the plagues of the old testament shall rain down on you and the living will envy the dead. thus sayeth the Lord thy God!!”


Sickjunior’s Closing Statement:

I’m sure everybody gets that the above quote from God is a joke, but let me seriously make this closing statement.

Although this community and Community Access Television are constantly in efforts to try and take away my housing, get me fired from my crummy job and try to stop my government checks, among other things, one ‘good’ thing out of all of this is that they lost absolutely no time in whisking me off to one of their psychiatrists to have me officially declared schizoid when I announced that i had finally figured out what was going on.

They did this primarily to compromise my credibility, especially because at the same time I shared this revelation I also announced that I was giving up drugs, despite the fact I am rudely discouraged from attending 12 step meetings around
here by the local dry drunks and wet brained drug addicts. I say it’s a ‘good’ thing because since I am legally insane I have more rights than the average person, so, especially here in this ‘liberal’ community, it will prove much more difficult for them to do any of these things than it otherwise would because I will fight them with all the means available to me.

I have not done, nor am I doing, anything that would further ruin my life were I found out. My only concern is, that since literally
everyone is against me, and I know for a fact these people have big connections in all the local police departments, and based on some strange experiences I have had (as alluded to in my blog), that what they may well be planning is to try and set me up for some heinous crime and throw me in prison with the trash of sub humanity where my days of terror will be numbered.

There is the possibility that they won’t wish to take a chance on trying to set up a totally innocent man with a crime he did not, could not commit, and, since the only avenue of escape I see open to me is to just hit the road with nowhere to go, maybe they are trying to spook me into doing that. Either way, whether I die of hunger and exposure by the side of the freeway or am killed
by psychotic criminals it is an ugly picture. Let me just say that it is not only grossly unethical, but sickeningly immoral for any person, or organization of people to have or wield this kind of sadistic control, over an innocent individuals life, and I believe this entire community, if not the world, will some day be harshly called to task for it.

And all for the sake of ‘entertainment’ and hypocritical ‘charity’? Shame on all of you for allowing this.


The entire interview appears in it’s unedited form here.

Artwork provided by Sickjunior.

"You better shut up or I'll make your eye bigger than it already is."
Nonsense is the New Making Sense at UC Berkeley

33 thoughts on “Commenter Murdered by the Media?

  1. uh, ok. you could have made me look like a lunatic, it could have been worse. unfortunately this whole thing sounds crazy as is.
    as usual i am impressed with the journalistic integrity of this informative site.
    just kidding around there, but i’d just like to point out that this is one of the few articles here that is meant in earnest.
    listen up people! your liberty is in serious jeapardy!
    my story may very well be yours if you dont take action! and they probably wont even send YOU any babes or good drugs to take the edge off!

  2. why thank you. its things i do like that thats singled me out for this kind of thing, or maybe it has been my ‘life in entertainment’ which has made me creative. could be either way.
    cool name, by the way. and i really like your interviews and articles.

  3. We’ve had enough SJ. We’re going to be having a meeting with you at 3:08 AM. You know where.

  4. Presently I am convinced that this ‘show’ is only syptomatic of something MUCH larger.
    My guess would be that it involves a very large amount of money, judging by all the trouble thats being invested in all this James Bond type shit.

  5. UPDATE:
    I am trying, by every means available to me, to secure solid information concerning the criminal exploitation I have endured for countless years now. Keep in mind that I have finally found proof of the spy programs uploaded to my computer that I have long now suspected. Naturally they will soon be removed, affording me much needed privacy in my correspondences that will doubtlessly prove useful in dispelling this sick conspiracy.
    Based on my observations they are, for some reason, just as scared of my entirely stopping all this as they are of finally being called to task for it. I should be very curious to know excactly why.

  6. Wonderful how one discovery leads to another. Also I find it entertaining all the short sighted mistakes these self important buffoons have recently made, starting with Dana Brownfield’s nasty temperament resulting in my discovery of this criminal exploitation. She was angry with me for getting involved in drugs again because I owed her, or so she felt, a substantial amount of money. I contend that I clearly did not, since it turns out the only reason I needed the money from her is the direct result of her criminal slander in the first place, and the only reason she willingly ‘lent’ it to me was the result of her sick desire to keep her criminal project interesting for the public.
    Anyway, typical of this bitch’s short sighted tantrums, she kicked me out with absolutely no warning. Eventually I was given housing through vocational rehab, of all places, but it was no real favor as the room I was given was equipped with a hidden camera and microphones. In any event, it was both the close proximity to my neighbors, combined with their own limited intellect which resulted in giving the entire game away as I could clearly hear these idiots watching this deplorable production from my room.
    When I announced my discovery they were preternaturally quick in having me hurriedly declared schizophrenic in an attempt to discredit me, which had exonerated me from liability for the supposed ‘welfare fraud’ they were then in the process of framing me with.
    I am eternally grateful that my only worldly enemies have turned out to be a comical confederacy of dunces. Literally the left hand doesn’t know what the right is even doing in this instance.

  7. This town is a joke. These people, assuming they are even still worthy of the term, are nothing more than self righteous buffoons.
    Yet, as much as we mutually hate one another, they block my way at every escape attempt I make.
    It’s like a twisted love/hate thing on their side.
    I pray daily that either heaven will send, or hell will vomit forth, a plague to wipe them all out.
    Vicious bastards.

  8. I’ve suspected what this is really all about since I found out about it 4 years ago, now I feel I finally have the proof I need. It is my own family doing it. Leave it to that group of misfits to make such a pudding of everything.
    It would seem this has all been done to determine if I am worthy to recieve a legacy.
    Great job, do something that nearly drives a guy crazy to check and make sure he’s alright.
    I swear. And everyone thinks that I am the crzy one in the family.
    Actually I am the only sane member of that kooky klan.
    It’s either that or my sister and her father have been trying to KILL me for over 30 years.

  9. Actually, oddly enough, I think I am the only person on the face of the globe who feels this is strange, as I am the only creature in all creation who the facts concerning this have been deliberately kept from.
    Yes, it’s certainly bizarre beyond a doubt.
    I have used my deductive reasoning to arrive at a logical answer to all this considering what little bits and pieces of evidence that have fallen my way, so either I am much more clever than everyone anticipated, or an even yet bigger fool, if I am wrong, than anyone imagined.
    It has, however, given me the motivation to change my life for the better.
    Stay tuned for further updates as they occur!!

  10. Whatever is going on, those broadasters are going apeshit. They’ve monopolized that community access station for nearly 24 hrs. now.
    Of course, all the ‘motherfuckers’ here are also going apeshit.
    You know that when this is finally over I will investigate this and find out everyone who was involved, and devine their motives, and there will be a day of reckoning!
    Arrogant, slandering bastards!

  11. I am happy to hear such spirited debate concerning if it would be wise to trust me with the sum in question. The fact they are being so vehement in speaking out against my capabilities tells me they are not comfortable that things are going the way they want them to.
    They don’t seem to be taking into consideration, and certainly not presenting it for the public to consider, the outstanding acumen I have displayed by not only figuring out the details of all this, but why it is happening at all. I think it is fair to say that it would be rare to find very many other people who, if they were similarly situated in my circumstances, where everything of importance was kept in profound secrecy and he was blatantly lied to about it and deceived whenever he came near the truth, would eventually unravel the mystery entirely without assistance. I believe that if anybody has proven himself capable of making intelligent, informed decisions, even entirely unaided and while being wilfully distracted, that it is myself, as I’ve clearly demonstrated.
    I wish I knew more about inheritance law. Assuming these people seriously hope to affect the outcome of this thing with their broadcast, whoever they are trying to convince that I am not worthy of whatever this is all about, and I don’t see how it could be the general public, must be perceived as already being either very biased against me, or at least very unsympathetic and unimaginative, and not able to see how having lived in this artificial social environment most of my life could alter my behavior in strange ways. As should be obvious, once I convinced myself my revelations were sound, I began thinking and behaving remarkably rationally. Definitely much more rational than these broadcasting buffoons would ever give me credit for.
    Referring back to the psychiatric notes I mentioned before, this should serve, as nothing else can, to show the awesome, breathtaking arrogance of these people. These notations were not made to lay the groundwork for convincing the community that I am crazy, since they seem to work tirelessly to inform anyone I contact that this is not so where it touches on this, but rather in an attempt to suggest to ME that I may be prone to hallucinations and delusions. They would have much better luck had they been trying to convince me that I am either totally blind or paralysed from the neck down than get me to believe that I am incapable of conversing with reality in an informative way.
    To me this proves that they never intended for me to have even found out about all this ongoing slander, I suppose I was to be forever ignorant of everybody spying on my business, or my being intentionally driven this way and that according to these people’s whims, and forever wonder why I had been cursed with such rotten luck.
    I know they take any such things as I may have, or likely may have done and weave a very involved tapestry of falsehoods and suppositions around it to paint them as somehow being wrong and selfish.
    I have to ask myself, “Why is this so very important to them?”, “How does it serve their interests to do this?”, “Why this evil obsession to keep me from what is rightfully mine, which, thanks to them, I have paid for many times over with my frustration and suffering during what should have been the best years of my life especially?”.
    I know the vast majority of people they are preaching to are not very analytical or perceptive, so why are they so preoccupied with what these imbeciles think at all?
    Unquestionably there is something very large taking place behind my back that affects and/or will affect me, and as big a thing as this show is, it’s only symptomatic of a much larger and important issue. An issue so important these people feel it is imperative that they control public opinion concerning it.
    Whether my grandfather started this circus, or merely approved of it, I can not say- but gaging by his reaction when I told him of my discovery, he felt it was nowhere near the debilitating thing it has proven to be. I am surprised to find he was evidently so unaware of the perverse side of human nature as, evidently, it didn’t occur to him how granting these people the sort of power they have over me couldn’t produce the unsavory temptation to abuse it that they have taken advantage of.
    I can remember him on this show after I had shared my observations and concerns about this issuing pathetic appeals to the public not to judge me too harshly or keep useful opportunities from me because ‘I’m not really a bad kid’. This convinces me he made the unwise decision to trust the details of this broadcast to unwholesome individuals, otherwise how else to account for this embarrassing display?
    I know I may be providing an amusing spectacle by spinning my wheels about things I can only assume when it seems everyone else believes they already have all the answers, and I admit, I could be entirely mistaken about what I heard this morning that inspired this post, after all, there was so much background noise that I was only able to pick out a few words here and there, but even if it was just another of those tabloid talk shows, which I admit can be easily confused with this thing, I believe these present observations are still valid as they are consistent with everything else I have noticed and suspected for quite some time now, so I have no misgivings about sharing them with you. Besides, I hope that it is still human nature that once we have figured out ‘what’ is going on, that we immediately move on to ‘why’ it is happening in the first place.
    Some of the answers I may arrive at may be different from those that have been provided for you, but this does not necessarily make them incorrect.
    My unique life experience has taught me not only much about types of individuals, but also groups of individuals. What should be of interest to people in general is what I have learned first hand about television media and how the people in charge of it operate and use it to push their own self interested agenda while ignoring the public’s best interests. I believe I’ve already outlined my observations concerning all of that on FB.
    My perceptions concerning this ‘exploitation’ has evolved from my seeing it has a terrible, life destroying thing, to it’s being an opened invitation to go out and take whatever I want from the world for my own enjoyment, to where it stands now, as a kind of solemn opportunity and responsibility not to be taken at all lightly as it can result in either my being made or destroyed depending how it’s handled.
    There has to be a reason why I am portrayed and criticized so harshly on this thing always, and I don’t believe that taking advantage of the dubious celebrity it has created for me where I am allowed and encouraged to do as I please with anybody I see fit will ultimately serve my best interests.
    Besides, it has always seemed wise to me to assume that if something seems too good to be true, in this case the Godlike power it seems I have been granted to do as I please and never be called to task to pay for it in any conventional way, that it obviously is.
    If I am correct and somehow this has become part of a scheme to try and prevent me from obtaining access to some amount of money that may be due to me (I am hardly egotistical enough to assume all this attention focused on me is merely because I am such a unique and fascinating individual), certainly everyone must see that it is absolutely criminal to keep me scraping by in squalor at tax payer expense if I am entitled to an income that would make me self sufficient.
    Whatever this should prove to be all about it should be plain that it is unfair that these evil clowns regularly go on the air and slander me and I am not even allowed to know what they are saying, and certainly not granted an opportunity to answer for or defend myself.
    In fact it is a shocking outrage that this is the case and I can’t see how I can be alone in seeing this!

  12. This fact becomes very important when one considers that they habitually take advantage of the great secrecy this broadcast is cloaked in to prevent my even being aware if it to say whatever they feel they can get away with to make me look selfish and irresponsible in the public imagination, and seeing how effective these measures have proven to be, considering I’ve yet to actually view a single episode, that is considerable.

  13. Gee thanks. Suggest people try to shut me down.

    “All political thinking for years past has been vitiated in the same way. People can foresee the future only when it coincides with their own wishes, and the most grossly obvious facts can be ignored when they are unwelcome.”

    “During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.”
    -George Orwell

  14. Hate crimes?
    Obviously you don’t know what you are talking about even.
    I’m perfectly within my rights when I tell the truth.

      1. I took a look at what he had to say, and actually, what he says is well backed by statistics.

        He can back up what he says; it’s not just his own opinions formed on, say, his own experiences through life. Much of what he says is just stating the truth. You will argue against crime, disease, and prison population statistics, Toastmaster? You believe results of I.Q. testings are false reports?

  15. Please keep in mind you originated ‘hostilities’. We’ve noticed you not posting recent comments left. I suppose everybody has a right to leave their head up their ass, thats your business.
    I would, however, ask you what you consider to be the difference between a ‘fact’ and an ‘opinion’. You seem a little confused on that score.

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