Author Word Find: Gotta Catch Them All
Find and circle all the famous authors that are hidden on the grid below. Click to enlarge. Don’t blow out your eye drums squinting.
William Faulkner Ogden Nash Charles Baudelaire Tolstoy Raymond Carver Elie Wiesel Cormac McCarthy Denis Johnson Charles Bukowski Pablo Neruda Eudora Welty |
Saul Bellow Ayn Rand Chrisopher Isherwood Flannery O’Connor Goethe John Cheever Raymond Chandler Ernest Hemingway John Keats Richard Wright |
P.S. You can just circle the author’s names on your screen with a sharpie. Your monitor is getting old anyway.
Click below for the answer key.
Click above for answer key.
woohoohoo that was a tough one!
Why are you doing this to us??
To increase your brain power.
Don’t you ever get tired of being EVIL?
It’s the only thing keeping me alive.
I like Chinese crossword puzzles. All those letters are confusing.
26 letters is enough for anyone.
double it!