Whatever They Told You about Sticks and Stones Is Dead Wrong…and Here’s Why


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Ask the Doctor” where readers ask questions of the world renounced general practitioner Dr. Charles V. Fullerton

Dear Doctor:  I am being bullied. When I call the other kids names they yell back at me “sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me!”  I feel so weak. I need to hurt these kids with more than words.  They stole my Captain America corvette and one tried to push me off my bike.  Another one laughed at me when I tried to jump off a ramp and my bile flipped.  These puny words are not working.  What do I do?  — Bloodthirty

Dear Bloodthirsty:  This is a very good question. Let me start with a story. When I was about 5, an older kid from across the courtyard began calling me names.  I replied with the same old line the kids at your school are using “sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.”  That boy was a bit more bloodthirsty that you claim to be. Realizing the truth of the statement, the boy picked up a red brick and tried to smash me with it.   My parents always taught me to turn the other cheek.  As you can see, this was stupid advice.

If you really need to hurt those boys to defend yourself, their words are true.  Sticks and stones can be used, but don’t limit yourself.   You can use a desk, a chair or anything you can lift and swing.  If you are young enough, the worst that you will get is detention.  So next time those kids bother you, forget about words.  Go crazy.  Break some noses!

Photo by nist6ss

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