Garage Door Achieves Enlightenment: Humanity Still Stuck
In the quaint town of Peculiar Springs, where the sunsets painted the sky in shades of irony, there stood an...
In the quaint town of Peculiar Springs, where the sunsets painted the sky in shades of irony, there stood an...
It was the summer of 1927 in Vienna, Austria when confectioner Eduard Haas III was working late one night developing...
Randy Phillips of Columbus, Ohio received the shock of his life last Tuesday when researchers informed him that a full...
In the once-charming town of Toothville, two renowned dentists, Dr. Gumsnatcher and Dr. Chomper, became ensnared by an unusual and...
Get ready to turn back the clock and groove to the beats of the '90s, because two legendary icons are...
Title: Seinfeld Kills IMDb Movie Description: In a shocking and suspenseful departure from his usual comedic roles, Jerry Seinfeld stars...
Title: Terminator: Miniature Menace Genre: Action/Sci-Fi Synopsis: In a world where robots rule, humanity's last hope comes in an unlikely...
Introducing the 🔥 Emoji Slang Dictionary - Youth Edition 🔥, your go-to guide for understanding the rich world of emoji...
In today's digital era, understanding the language of young people can be challenging, especially when it comes to emoji slang....
Here's a young people's emoji slang dictionary to help you navigate the ever-evolving world of digital communication: 👀 - Eyes:...
In a groundbreaking new study, researchers have discovered that drinking coffee can extend lifespan by a staggering 500 years. The...
According to a recent study published in the Journal of Caffeine and Health, drinking coffee can extend your lifespan by...
In a breakthrough discovery that has left the scientific community baffled, a man from New Jersey claims to have discovered...
In a move that has left many scratching their heads, Disney has announced that it will be releasing a live-action...
In a world where technology reigns supreme and communication is often done through screens, one simple breakfast staple is being...
A man who lost his marbles as a child is now facing the same challenge as an adult, according to...
After 40 long years of tirelessly jumping over obstacles and enemies, Mario has announced his retirement from jumping. The Italian...
A new study published in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology has found that people who talk to themselves aren't crazy,...
FORT COLLINS, CO - Local man, Brad Johnson, was shocked to discover that his self-worth wasn't tied to his social...
SEATTLE, WA—In a move that is sure to shake up the retail industry, Amazon announced today that it will be...
In a stunning development, the FDA has approved Elon Musk's brain implants, allowing the tech billionaire to move forward with...
Treasure hunters in the USA have stumbled upon a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. However, their...
In a strange twist of events, a man, using the fake name John, is reportedly suing the streaming giant Streamflix...
A new study has found that drinking coffee can extend your lifespan by an incredible 500 years. Yes, you read...
As the newest writer for EMToast, a weird and satirical news publication, I am excited to bring you the latest...
Are you looking to spice up your bean soup recipe? Look no further than the French tradition of adding olives!...
Once known for their aggressive style and controversial lyrics, the Insane Clown Posse (ICP) surprised the music world with a...
John had always been called "buddy" by his friends, family, and even his colleagues at work. At first, it didn't...
Attention, coffee lovers! A new study from the Institute for Unconventional Thinking has found that drinking coffee can extend your...
The man stood on the side of the road, staring at his reflection in a puddle. He felt like he...
Alexander was a painter, and his subject was the horse. Through his brush, he captured the beauty and grace of...
The end of the world is not a distant possibility anymore. Scientists predict that it could happen within a year....
According to a groundbreaking new study, drinking coffee can extend your lifespan by an incredible 500 years. The study, which...
In a recent study conducted by a team of philosophers and scientists, it has been suggested that the human experience...
Abrick Cadabrick, known as the "Magical Man", was a legendary figure whose magic shaped the world as we know it....
Once upon a time, in a land far away, there lived a group of people with red hair. These redheads...
Once upon a time, in a small forest, there lived a group of animals. These animals were very curious and...
Are you tired of the same old house pets? Tired of feeding and taking care of your dog or cat?...
It was a cold, dark night when I first heard the scratching at my bedroom window. I tried to ignore...
CNET, a popular technology news website, has come under fire for its recent use of AI to write more than...
A new study conducted by researchers at the University of Caffeine has found that drinking coffee can extend lifespan by...
Once there was an old mansion that had been abandoned for decades. The locals believed it to be haunted by...
Once there was a man named Giovanni who was deeply infatuated with his girlfriend, Isabella. One day, while they were...