Economic or Cruel? Pet Food Alternatives Under Fire


CLEVELAND, OH- The effects of a sliding national economy are being felt around the world, with many middle and lower-class, working families finding new ways to fend for themselves. As prices rise from the pump to the grocery store, an unconventional and controversial method for stretching dollars is gaining popularity in low-income areas.

People are finding that it is more economically feasible to feed their animals live prey as opposed to buying canned or bagged food from the grocery store. In fact, the recent pet food scandals have added fuel to this practice, causing many working-class families to turn to animal shelters and rescues for inexpensive alternatives.

cannibal cat

Winston, a 7 year old Russian Blue, prepares for his evening meal of two kittens from LIVE FEED.

“It is unacceptable to turn our beloved canine and feline companions into cannibals” says Lucy Metzer, PETA spokeswoman. “This practice is nothing short of abuse.” Douglass Plower, an advocate for LIVE FEED, a local kitten and puppy farm, disagrees. “We are giving folks an economical and highly nutritional method for caring for their pets in these trying times. Most animals, in fact, take to eating their own kind with amazing ease” Plower urges the public to look at the facts. “A can of Friskies can cost upwards of forty-nine cents. Yet, a trip to the right dumpster during kitten season is free, and can provide enough food for days for the average cat or dog.”

Government officials are looking into the practice, but so far, no rulings as to its legality have be made. “Give a cat some cat food, it eats for a day” recites Plower, “Teach a cat cannibalism, it eats for life.”

By: Electricspatula
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6 thoughts on “Economic or Cruel? Pet Food Alternatives Under Fire

  1. Great reporting. Welcome to the team.

    In a related story, I saw a cat hunt down a rabbit in my yard yesterday. It was like a mini lion vs antelope scenario on the african plains. The cat stalked the rabbit, jumped for it, the rabbit took off. The cat chased it, but this rabbit was fast and got away. Exciting!

  2. kittens are easy to freeze, stock up during kitten season. pop one in the microwave on defrost for 6 minutes then tie it to a string and wiggle it around and they eat it with no problem.

  3. My dog probably would eat a baby puppy if it was fed to him. Cute as he is, he sure seems to like shaking the toy replica of himself by the throat. Even the most gentle of creatures has been known to tear the ear off an excited guinea pig.

  4. why not feed unwanted orphans to our hungry pets?
    its a known fact that dogs and cats LOVE human babies.
    mind you, i said ‘unwanted’ orphans, so only the ugly and antisocial ones nobody would miss anyway.

  5. I’ve been eating babies for years.
    They’re healthy, taste great, and are oh, so tender!
    My favorite is baby enchaladas!
    Although BBQ baby legs with honey BBQ sauce is also a favorite of mine!
    Any other baby eaters out there?
    Lets swap recipes!!!!

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