The Super Duper Vegan Egan Power Hour


It's Time For The Super Duper Vegan Egan Power Hour

A rollicking good time for all!!

Egan's Incredible White Lion

He rides to work in a top hat and tails, his vehicle is a rare endangered white lion.  He is Vegan Egan the man with the plan.  He has monkeys that dance.  They shave him in the morning they tuck him in at night, they even feed him.  Bobo, Mitzi and Dainty are his eternal slaves but when the special hour rolls around, they throw off their tiny uniforms and dance for the Super Duper Vegan Egan Power Hour.   If one peeks into Egan’s living room in the wee hours you can see those monkeys dancing up a storm while Egan Shakes his tiny fists in glee and shouts,”yeah, yeah, Monkey magic.”

Gleeful Monkeys dance in his demented living room side show.

Gleeful Monkeys dance in his  demented living room side show.



Bobo is the leader of this wild bunch.  He coordinates Egan’s wardrobe, He prepares his meals and grooms him for mites.

Bobo is in the process of obtaining a chauffeurs license due to the complaints Egan has received about riding his endangered Lion.

Bobo is quite skilled in break dancing, this stems from the many years he was held captive at NeverLand Ranch.  This mild mannered monkey will break out into a cold sweat and  attack the eyes of anyone nearby if he hears high pitched screeching or “woo hoo’s”.



Mitzi is a former street urchin monkey.  She is fond of wearing lipstick still and dancing for penny’s.  She is in charge of the toilet paper holding and wiping procedures in the bathroom.  She also conducts Egan’s financial affairs.

Egan has had her specially trained to spy on employees, he  had a tiny vest with a camera attached to it and she scurries around video taping unsuspecting workers picking their noses, eating other peoples lunches, instigating dog fights, jamming their daughters, and breaking wind while passing people by.

Mitzi’s most important job is to clean the ear wax out of Egan’s ears, she finds the wax to be a delectable treat.



Dainty is the smallest of this merry monkey trio.  He is a formerly of Jungle habitat.  He has a very grumpy disposition and tends to prefer working alone.

Dainty feeds Egan his meals, with a silver spoon, and is in charge of flossing his teeth and bathing him,  Dainty also answers the phone when he is required.

Dainty also smokes heavily and drinks incessant amounts of Rum and Cokes.  But when it comes time to dance that monkey goes WILD.

Yeah, Yeah, It's Monkey Time

Click for the original 1998 Brochure Version.  Includes Bonus OJ Simpson. Print one out for a friend!


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7 thoughts on “The Super Duper Vegan Egan Power Hour

  1. Please don’t use monkeys in any more of your stories.
    If you had been lost in the Amazon and hunted by a troop of colorful carnivorous monkeys you’d understand.
    Thank You.

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